Part 11: Nightmare

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-sorry for the wait you guys but I'm hoping you all are liking this so far bye-

The next day

(Aveya's Pov)

-flashback from last night-

Last night as we all saw Berdo yelling at Dr Reyes and he has her phone and he tried to unlock the doors so

he could call the cops and run away from this place and back to his home, and then

illy came in and got made said to Dr Reyes that she's not a Doctor and she only keeps kids like us

in cages. After all of that i went back to my room and laid down in my bed I was doing some cool magic

As I was just laid down in my bed, until I heard thumbs I shot up from my bed and looked around

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As I was just laid down in my bed, until I heard thumbs I shot up from my bed and looked around

my room and i made a light with my powers and i looked around my room and all I could see is the dark

but I made the stars in my hand light up brighter an I saw my dead mother, I yelled an jumped over my bed.

She walked over to me but I was so scared I couldn't move I just cried. I then felt a hand on

my shoulder screamed an turned around and saw my dead father behind me. They looked at me an

said "what have you done?" I just cried even harder and started to curl up into a ball on the floor and I shears something at my door

say "Aveya are you okay?" I recognized that voice, it was Sam. I just cried and then my father

said "your the reason why we are dead." And I just shook my head and

held it as well "no, no, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" I just put my head on my knees and

I started to shake "you should've died with us all. You should be the one to blame." My mother said

and I just cried while hugging my knees close to my chest

"No I never knew I could do that, I don't even know if that was me, please don't be mad.

Mom, dad plz, I'm sorry I never wanted you guys to go away.

I miss you guys please im so so sorry." And then I heard banging but then I just ignored

it and cried loud and then I heard my parents say "You. Are. A. Monster. You should sided with us. You're the reason we are all dead." I just cried

while breathing heavily and fast and then I felt this energy coming to me and then

I closed my eyes and then I looked up and opened them wide open and yelled as all the comics

and starts go around my room and I tried to breath normally but no it was working, then I heard my door open.

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