Part 14: i dont want to die

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(Aveya's Pov)

and then we both got up "take care of Dani." Illyana said and then I added "We'll take care of this bear."

And then illyana started to speak in Italian and I started to speak Spanish to open up our portals

"what are you two going to do?" Rahne asked as we both walked slowly to our portals

"We're going to play with it" illyana said as we both summoned our swords, but for me I summoned

two of them and connected them both together to make this

And then Sam said "You two can't take on by yourself's." And then Rahne said as me and illyana made

it close to our portals "He's right it's magic." We both tuned

around and then said "So are we" as our eyes glowed. Illyana eyes glows blue,

and as for me mine glows purple-ish blue and then Berto said "illyana don't!" And then Sam yelled as

well "Aveya!" But it was already to late we both went into out portals and and then our stuffed animal came

well "Aveya!" But it was already to late we both went into out portals and and then our stuffed animal came

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to life and then we both called in "Demon bear!" The bear looked at us and then illyana said

"Lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my. You ready." I nod and then her Lockheed chirped. And then it starts

to run at "Let's go!" I said and we both
start running at the bear and then we started to jump and we

stabbed the bears side and we slide down with our swords in it, as Lockheed and sparks started

to fight the bears face and then me and illyana landed on the ground safely but for me I did a pose

(Sorry it gif wasn't letting me use it so if anything use the video.

And I love all the marvel movies down hate okay byeeee)

-where the boys are looking at the window-

"Holy shit!" Sam yelled as he looked at the girls "I'm going to marry that girl" Berto said

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