Part 4: fights

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'I was a lost boy from never-land usually hanging out with
petter pan and when we're
bored we play in the would
always on a run from
Captain Hook, run run~ lost boy..they say to me~
away from all of reality~
never land is home to lost
boys like me and lost boys
like me are free-" I was cut

off when I heard footsteps and I looked up from my drawing and saw Sam looking at me in amazed and I
blushed and got up dusting my pants off "uh hey wait"

he said and I turned around and looked at him "um... s-sorry I-I didn't mean to scare you it's just have a beautiful voice"

he said and I blushed and covered my face with my sketchbook "th-thank y-you...S-Sam" I stuttered and looked at him just a bit and he

looked at me and I think I saw a bit of blush on his cheeks and he smiled at me and I moved my book away from my face and smiled back

at him and I fell back, Sam was about to run to me and catch me but I teleported away "What the hell"

he said and looked around. I was on the tree huffing from him and still drawing away

and than I looked up and saw Sam hooking himself up to the brick and than

he activated his power and started to practice and I was just watching him practice and I got an idea. I started to draw him and than when I

was finally finished we all had to come back inside it was already late and I teleported inside where everyone is and I was just drawing

on the couch while illyana was playing with her puppet and Rehna was watching TV and the boys were play a game than Dani came in and

illyana got on her knees and looked at Dani "hey standing rock you want some buffalo wings. Indians love buffalo" she teased her and Sam

stood up for her "Jesus illy can you just leave her alone" he sis and than dani said "NO. It's fine...standing rock that new one, Pocahontas is a classic one to. It was famous in 5th grade" she said and got into illys face and I got up and walked next to Sam and Dani said

"you don't scare me. My dad told me about bitches like you" she said and now illy got straight up on her knees and grabbed Lockheed out and put

in there faces "show us where daddy touched you" she said and Dani grabbed Lockheed out of her

hand it became a fight with them and "Lockheed give him back" illy yelled at her "keep my fathers name out of your mouth bitch" me and Sam tried

to hold illy back but she karate chopped Sam's cased and than she punched me in the face and I fell on the floor and my hand let go of my

book and my face is in pain, they kept fight and arguing until it went to far and illy tried to kill Dani and Dr Reyes came and protected Dani

"you know better of using your powers and no fights as well" Dr Reyes yelled and illy turned off her

power "sorry doc I thought Dani was immortal, I had to give it a shot" she said and than Sam bent down and

helped me up and I was about to grab me my book when Roberto already had it and I walked to him "um c-can I h-have m-m-my book b-back plz"

asked him trying to stop stuttering "oh here you are really good at drawing by the way" he said and I thanked him and walked back to my seat and continued drawing

until we had to go to our rooms. I got up and stared to go to my room when I felt someone pulled me back a bit I turned around and saw Sam "hey um are you okay? She did punch real good back there"

he said and I nodded and said "I-I'm okay, j-just s-sore" I did and than he was about to walk away but I grabbed his hand and I realized what I did and let go and

I ripped the paper out of my sketchbook and gave him the paper and than hugged him and said "good night" and than I ran to my room and got ready for bed

I ripped the paper out of my sketchbook and gave him the paper and than hugged him and said "good night" and than I ran to my room and got ready for bed

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Than I fell asleep in my bed so comfortable

(Sam's Pov)

I just watched Aveya run to her room and I looked at the paper she gave me and I opened it and saw a

drawing of me "holy shit, she is good" i said to myself and walked to the laundry

room and I saw Berto was here to and I folded the paper and put it In my pocket.

(Sorry I'm tired right now and it's night time for me it's like 11:07 bye)

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