Part 3 1/2: meeting everone

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(Know ones Pov) 

Dr. Reyes is in a room with all the teens and of course Aveya came in a bit early so she was the only one

there with Dr. Reyes. She said "does anyone want to stand up and talk about what happened in there life when you first got your powers"

everyone shook there heads no and so did Aveya she was shy anyways so she shook her head slowly, than the door opened they all looked and

saw Dani "this is our new student Danielle moonstone" Roberto laughed and and

than Dr Reyes gave him a look and stopped "oh serious" he said and just looks around

Dr Reyes said and Dani slowly sat done and she looked at Rehna and they make eye

contact and than Dr called on Rahne to speak about her and she just sighed and started

telling us "I remember when I was 13 I was just running in the forest" she said and fiddled with her hands "and how did that make you feel" doctor said "free"

she said and stopped a bit and looked at us all and said "I know it's bad but I needed to be prayed or something that will help me,

when I went to go ask him to help pry for me and help me with the monster inside of me

and he said change.. and I did...he started to beat me up like a potato sack until I was dead" she said

(Aveyas pov)

she told us and I felt sad for her and then Dr Reyes said "would anyone else like to share there first time" she asked everyone and one blond girl

looked at us "new fucked up are you two" she asked us and I was about to say something but Dr Reyes said "illyana"

and than Roberto cut in and said "drugs I bet. Or a nympho, maybe. Hopefully"

he said and then Dr Reyes said "keep behaving exactly like you are right now and we can all just spend the day in solitary"

she stopped for a sec and said "I want all of you to think very carefully about how you like to use your time here. And how long you want that time to be"

she and than the blond girl got her jacket and stand up about to walk out when Dr Reyes stopped her and said

"illyana since your already up why don't you go show dani and Aveya around"

I looked at her and justed sighed "and why do I have to?" Illyana said and looked at us and than I just hugged myself "because I'm asking you" she said

and than rolled her eyes and walked away I got up and followed her while dani was right behind me and asking questions

"how long have you been here? Are there any other doctors? Why aren't you-" she was cut off by illyana with her puppet "shh...what that Lockheed"

she said and put her puppet to her ear "I know..I hate her to, the other one is quite...I like it" she said in a annoyed voice but calm to.

Than she started to walk again and I was right behind and she stops at the door "DR REYES" she yelled while snapping her fingers,

when we heard a beep she saluted the camera and walked out the place while we follow her

"main building, dorms, chapel if you believe in that shit and garden, don't you know how to grow weeds"

she asked Dani and she shook her head "what kind of Indian are you" she asked in a annoyed voice and I rolled my eyes "Cheyenne"

than the blond girl went inside the fountain, turned and said "I wasn't actually asking" she said and grabbed the spray paint

and stand up and looked at us "you guys are my look out" she said and started to spray

paint the fountain and I looked around than Dani said "where are we" and I saw the blond chick

looked up at dani and told her about the stuff that dr Reyes tells them and than Dani said "no fences?"

And than I looked at her and than illyana got a device look and than said "no just you and freedom"

i justed sighed and walked back inside and try to get my mind straight "run new girl, Run" she

yelled at her and I just ignored it and try to get my mind off of it "Dr Reyes can I ask you something" I asked her "what is it Aveya?" She said

"um do you have a pencil or a note book or a sketchbook that I can draw on I just want to get my mind off of things that's all" I said

to her an d she looked at me and said "uh yes I have a old sketchbook that I don't use anymore you can have it and it comes with a pencil to"

she said and I looked up at her and she went to her office and went in her drawers and she gave

me my new sketchbook "thank you Dr Reyes" i said and walked away and went outside and find a place to draw.

When I found a place it was were the basketball fields is and there was a huge brick and something that is attached to it but I walked to it and sat on the dirt and

my back against the brick and stated drawing and humming one of my favorite songs them at me and my family would sing or just listen to.

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