Part 8: attic part 2

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(I ment to put this in but this is her stuffed animal and she can come to life whenever she uses her powers and this is her necklace)

(I ment to put this in but this is her stuffed animal and she can come to life whenever she uses her powers and this is her necklace)

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(Imagine her parents photos are in their okay onward with the story) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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(Imagine her parents photos are in their okay onward with the story)

(Aveya's Pov still)

As well walked down the halls we saw Dani and Raine talking "hey, where you guys going?" She asked and Berto

was about to say but Illy cut hime off "to the never mind your not invited" she said and Sam pushed her

shoulder "come on illy, come with us we'll show you" he said and we all followed him and I blushed and covered my face with

my plushy. As we all went upstairs into the attic "damn this place feels like we went into to time"

I did and looked around "let's play a little game" illy said, as she brought out a suitcase and opened it,

and she got it all set up and we did Berto first and we attached him up to the thing and illy

put the light right at his face "dare" he said and illy sat down "you can say dare!" She said "fine Jesus's... truth" he said

and than we looked at each other and think'ed of something "uh how many girls u made out with" sam asked and Berto

said "like I can even remember" and the thing went off and scribbled a line "he's lying.

We know it's a lie detector" illy said and I giggled "fine, three" he said "well that's not bad" Sam said

and than the lie detector went off and rahne looked up and shook her head "I told you" illy said and "what" Sam says "why not?" Dani asked

"because I get to hot" Berto said and Sam starts to laugh at what he just said "you think it's funny your turn asshole" Berto got

made and took free things off of him and now it was Sam's turn "what's with the Cole" Rahne asked and he looked a bit said what she

asked him "my dad gave it to me before he passed" he did and I hugged my plushy tight "I'm so sorry" Dani and

I said at in unusual times "don't be... I think I belong here" he said and than Dani looked

at everyone "I don't think any of us belong here" Dani said and I just hold onto my necklace and think

about my family 'what if I helped them instead of hiding away? What would my parents have said to me' I aided in my head for a while and I

saw illy in the chair already "we'll come on" she said as Rahne but the things in her and illy said "truth" and Dani said in annoyance

voice "why are u here!?" And I looked at her and illy said "because I killed 18 by one...with my sword..and Lockheed" I looked at

her in surprised and amazed as well "your lying" Dani said and we looked at the lie detector "no she's not" me and Sam said at the

same time "you don't believe me... I'm the most POWERFUL mutant here" illy said and than looked at

all of us and then stopped to look at me "your turn new girl" she said and I just nodded and got up and get the things on me and still had my plushy

with me "um...truth" i said and held my plushy close to me "uh...where did you learn to draw?" Sam asked

"what's with the plushy an necklace?" Roberto asked I looked down and than looked up and said

"um my... my dad taught me how to draw ever since I was little. mom gave me her necklace...and my dad gave me my plushy..that he made....before they...died" i said

and I got sad real quick and hugged my plushy close to my chest "oh..I'm so sorry" Dani said and

I just looked up and nodded and took the things off of me and just walked downstairs and head to my room

(Sam's Pov)

When I saw Aveya walking away with some tears in her eyes. I was going to go after her but

Dani grabbed my arm and "she just needs some space let her calm down and she will talk

to and feel much better kay" she said and I just nodded. After that we went on and on, talking and making some funny jokes snd all.

(Sorry this one is a bit short but yeah hope you guys are enjoying this)

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