Part 5: bad nightmares

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(Know ones Pov)

The girls were asleep and the guys were in a laundry room cleaning there clothes.

And Sam took out the paper that Aveya gave him and opened it and he just looked at it in amazed and he just smiled

(Sam's Pov)

"what made you smiling about there" berto asked me and I just showed him the drawing "damn who drew you this"

I looked at him said "uh Aveya did before she went to bed and after that she just gave me

a hug and said 'good night' without stuttering and she started to blush when she gave it to me"

i said and I put the drawing away and looked at Roberto "Ah someone has a crush hmm" he said

I looked away and than I changed the subject "why do you even throw away your clothes even though they're still clean" i said

and he looked at me and got the shirt he threw in the trash and gave it to me "here" he said and I looked at it and than "cool"

I put it over my shoulder. After that the lights went out and than he turned it back on,

he was done he said good night to me "night man" he just walks away and I just stay here

(Know ones Pov)

Dani started to have a bad dream and she was breathing heavily and all curled up into a

ball and than with Sam he heard something slam and he looked at the washer

and started to walk closer and closer to it and he puts his shaky hand on it and the lights went

out again and he was breathing heavily "somebody" he yelled while it echoed

"anyone here" he said again and he saw all the mime workers in the cave and doing there thing.

Sam starts walking all the way down until he stops the

only man that was still working had stops and looked at him "Samuel" the man said "dad?!"

Sam said and his dads head was covered n blood "what have you done" he said to his son and than all

the men yelled and tried to hurt him but when one tried to hit him he was back outside of the washer and he got hit hard by

his nightmares and a draw back from his powers as well, he was crashed into a metal pillar and than he

grunted and groans in pain he was in. Dani had woke up a bit and looked at the camera

the light on it was on and she was calmed down now. And Dr Reyes was watching us while we sleep and checking if anything has happened to us or our powers.

(Aveyas pov)
I was tossing and turning because of my nightmares ~in her nightmares~ 'I was running

around and looking for my mom and dad when I saw them they were just talking and I

came running to them and than there were these mean kids that would always bully me "Aveya what did you do to us" mom said and turned

around and looked at me and I saw blood on her face and she was burned to

"you are a monster, I can't believe I gave birth to a demon" dad looked at me with half of his face

birds and dripping with blood. I started to breath heavily "I-I didn't mean to I was trying to save you" i

said and than someone grabbed me by the neck I looked up and saw one of my bully's "you demon you should have died with us instead of living" he said and than he

punched me in the face and than his friends yelled "your a witch Aveya" she yelled while

everyone around me was dead and covered in blood "No no I w-wanted to h-help you not hurt you" I stuttered

while I was crying than a man with a mask came to me and tried to stab me but I moved

away but he ran to me and stabbed me "you are now gone for good you demon"

he yelled and then he put something over my face'-end of nightmares- I shot screaming and crying and my eyes turned purple

and a huge wave and purple hit everything and I was still crying and a bit of screaming to and than I head

footsteps coming to my door and saw a figure at the door I couldn't see we'll and I whipped my nose and saw that it was bleeding and

I realized that in my dreams I got stabbed on my side where my stomach is,

I touched it and looked at my hand and it was shaking and I was breathing very fast that

I couldn't even breathe I tried to get up but I lost my balance and fell and blacked out

(Sorry next chapter)

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