Part 10: got caught

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(Aveya's Pov)

"Yeah who is this superior?" Dani said and I nodded as Sam looked at me and then Berto said "you know who the X-Man are right?" And then

I just rolled my eyes and started to draw everyone in the room I didn't really pay attention to what

they were talking about until I saw Raine throwing some lucky charms at Illyana and she sighs and

says "children" and I just chuckled a bit and then I was almost done with my art work an I was just sitting

down in the wheelchair until I felt domes hands on my shoulder, I jumped a bit and turned around and saw it was just berdo and I sighed and said

"what's up berdo." I said and then he said "nothing much your just so quiet and all alone, here come with me and Sam over here." He said

and then moved the wheelchair to where Sam is sitting I was right next to him as I just held my bag close to my body and then he looked

at me and smiled and handed me a drink I grabbed it and then Sam asked "what are u drawing now" and

then berdo butted in and asked "Someone in the room?" I sighed and smiled "um, yes I was drawing everyone. Here u can look at it." I opened

the page and gave them my book and they looked at me amazed and said "damn your really good at drawing Aveya." Sam said

and I smiled and then berdo said "damn y even got my hood side right, that some serious art work dudes girl." I chuckled.

We were telling each other some funny jokes and I told them the most funniest joke I made and we all

were dying laughing, and berdo had his drink in his mouth and he spit it all over

me and I laughed a bit and whipped some of his drink off of my face,

I got up and said "alright guys I'm gonna change, see u guys in a bit. Don't tell any jokes without me." I said

and teleported to my room and I changed into some nice comfy clothes

 and teleported to my room and I changed into some nice comfy clothes

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(This is it okay)

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(This is it okay)

(Sam's Pov)

I still couldn't get Aveya out of my head, she was so pretty, very artistic, chill, sweet, and well beautiful.

I then felt berdo slapped my leg and I snapped out of it and looked at him and he

said "who's in your mind right now? Is it Aveya." He asked me and I blushed a bit and then

I said "um, maybe, ugh I don't know man I feel like she's out of my league, I mean look at her she's amazing, beautiful, smart,

kind, ugh I just... wish I had the balls to tell her that I have feeling for her. But I'm to scared to tell her." I told

him everything and then later on we talked about our past and how we got stuck in this place in the first place.

I was all alone when berdo left me, until I saw Aveya walking in with we pjs in and she was wearing her slippers,

she came walking to me and then she smiled and sat down next to me on the wheelchair, she looked at me and she asked

me "did something happened when I was gone? Because it seems very quiet here. 'Gasp'

did u say something to berdo that was funny and I misted it." She looked

at me and I chuckled an said "no, we're just... talking about we ended up here in the first place.

We talked until it got deep for him and he didn't say how he got here in the first place, but we just talked how amazing you are." I told her

and then I saw her blush and then berdo butted in "you mean u were talking about how amazing she was~." I groaned

and covered my face with my hand and she giggled a bit and said "oh really, hmm I wish

I could've been in that conversation because I would've said something about you." She said

and she had a smirk on her face but it was a sweat and kind one. I blushed at her words and her look she

just laughed a bit and then leaned her head on my shoulder, later on I saw her hugging her stuffed animal

and then when I looked down at her face she was already asleep on my shoulder, she looked so peaceful

I didn't want to wake her up, well until the alarm went off and looked around and then I shook Aveya to wake

up, she soon woke up and we both ran to were the fire alarm went off and we saw Dr Reyes running

I asked "what's going on?" She looked at us and said "go back to ur rooms." We both looked at each other and then we both ran after her and

we saw berdo in fire and he was yelling with anger, Aveya walked up and gave me her stuff and she started to use her powers and her markings

were glowing and we saw the water moving and it went onto berdo an when he was cooled down we saw so much smoke and

I saw Aveya covering her eyes since well berdo was naked I ran over to him and hand him a towel.

I grabbed Aveya and we both were just standing outside the room and talking a bit until we heard talking and footsteps.

Ps. This is what her eye color looks like when she uses her powers okay

(Sorry this one is short okay guys next chapter I'm almost down with this story I hope u guys like it so far okay gtg now byeeee)

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(Sorry this one is short okay guys next chapter I'm almost down with this story I hope u guys like it so far okay gtg now byeeee)

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