Part 15: you're gonna be fine

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But I knew someone was missing and I looked around and then said to everyone "Where's Aveya?"

They looked at me and then we all went to look around for her but Berto said "She's... she's gone."

We all looked at him and then I finally said to him "What do you mean gone?" And he sighs and then he walks

over on the other side of the chapel and then I saw her, I saw Aveya's body on the ground covered

in her own blood with deep cuts from the bear "Oh god." I said am then I limped over to her and then

got on my knees and held her close to me "No, No, No, No, No!" I said and I just hugged her lifeless body

close to me and rocked her in my arms a bit and then Berto said "I'm sorry." Then I heard the others coming

and then I heard Rahne gasped and Dani said "Oh, no." Then I heard illyana said

"No! No! No! She's pranking us, isn't she?" And Berto said to her "Illy-" she cuts him off

and said "Liar. She's not dead! She's not dead. She's just messing with us. She's not..." She then just started

to cry and then Berto came over to her and held her in a hug and he said to her "it's okay Illy." She then sobs

loud and I cried with her an I just rubbed Aveya's head and then I whispered

"I'm sorry, I didn't save you in time." I just stayed here just holding her in my arms crying my heart out.

(Aveya's Pov)

All I remember was bleeding out and passing out, but I gasped and sat straight up and panting for

air I looked around where I was "Where am I? Hello!" I said and it just echoed through the place

and I slowly start to walk down because I see a figure. As I was walking I was just looking at everything

and it was like I'm in space or in the galaxy, I was in shocked that I'm just walking on nothing "Hello."

A voice said out loud and I jumped and looked around me and I said "Who's there? Where are you?"

It was quiet for a bit until the voice said again "I'm right here." I slowly turned around and then

I jumped and shouted "SHIT!" And then I sighed and said "Who are you?" The figure then

said to me"I'm Luna the goddess of the cosmic and galaxy. Who might you be?" After she said that I then

looked up at the figure and said "I'm Aveya, where am I? Wait!... Am I dead?" They shook there heard

and said "Not yet, but.. you have to go back to them." I just looked down and then I said

"Why? I'm already dead I want to be reunited with my family." After that the figure said

"But, down there they are your family, your new family. And you can't just leave them behind.

Just because you made a mistake from your own family in the past doesn't mean you'll do it again with your new ones."

After the figure said that I just started to think and remember the past when I was with my family

and I just smiled at them I looked up at them and then said to them "Your right even though that it was an

accident I have to learn to forgive myself from the past and think of the future."

They smiled and gave me a hug and I hugged them back and. Then they said "Are you ready my child?" We let

go of the hug and then I looked at them and said "Yeah, I think I'am." They nod there head and then

they started to make some galaxy smoke all around me and I started to float a bit and then they said

"I shall see you again soon, Aveya." I smiled and then I waved and said "Hope to see u soon to. Bye."

After that I closed my eyes and then I felt my body being all sore and heavy as well and then my eyes snapped

open and then looked around and a gusted my eyes a bit and then I saw Sam holding me close to

him and then I rubbed his back a bit and then I said  "Hey. Why is everyone crying?" And then I saw Sam

let go of me and then everyone saw me and gasped and then I said again "why is every looking at me?"

They all just came to me and gave me a big group hug and I grao and then said "I love you guys but I'm in pain your squeezing all the blood out of me."

After that everyone let go of me and then I said "Shit! Berto get some clothes on please!" Everyone

laughed a bit and then I felt a hand grabbed my hand and Sam helped me up and then I grunted

at how much pain I'am in and ofc my right eye was scratched up and bleeding a lot so I had to have my eye closed and then I saw everyone talking

go to me and also walking towards me. After all of that we all made it outside in the front and saw that

everything was destroyed and Berto finally found some clothes and then illyana said that town

should be somewhere 20 miles from here but after all of that we all found our stuffs that wasn't destroyed

for we got what we can and we all made our way to town, I held Sam's hand and then I kissed his cheek

and I saw him blushing and then after that I felt him kiss my cheek as well and we just walked away from

this crazy hospital and now. 'This is it, onto a new life and a very fresh new start.'

-that's the end guys so so sorry for the long wait okay gtg now byeeee-

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