Chapter 3

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Jasper knew he was in deep shit when he left the trailer that night. He kept his baseball cap on forward facing as he gripped onto the straps of the bag. Whatever was inside was heavy and felt honestly like bricks. He had his theories on what he was hauling through hell's kitchen but didn't think too hard about it. If he did this, maybe his dad would just sign the papers for school and nothing else would happen, god he prayed that would happen.

He walked till he reached Pier 90 and sighed shakily. He glanced around, spotting a small group of cars parked by the shipping containers. He gulped, his steps slow as he approached the small group.

"Hello gentlemen" he stated. The group turned to him and eventually surrounded him. "I uh go a delivery from Harrison, Harrison cole?" he stated, pulling the bag off and holding it out in front of him. One guy snatched it from his hand and opened it up. Jasper spotted a gun in his side pocket.

"There's only four, where's the other half?" he stated, looking at the kid in front of him. Jasper tensed and his eyes widened.

"What? I wasn't told how much there was, what even is it?" he asked, trying to peak a glance. He watched as the man pulled out a block of white. "Oh fuck.." he whispered, knowing how deep shit he was in.

"Now, Harrison is usually good with this so I'm gonna ask you again, kid" he stated, handing the bag over to his coworker as he walked straight up to Jasper. "Where. Is. The. Rest" he stated, grabbing Jasper by the collar. Jasper froze, grabbing onto the guy's arms.

"I-I don't know I was only given the bag-" his pleas were cut off by a punch to the ribs. Jasper gasped as felt something sharp pierce the skin under his shirt. The guy threw him against the side of a shipping container, Jasper's back hitting the metal hard. He groaned and held onto his side, looking up at the multiple men before they began their brutal descent on him.

It was all a blur of pain, hit after hit. Jasper knew at that moment why his dad sent him instead of going himself. This was his punishment. His cries of pain echoed off the shipping containers before one gagged him, those cries muffled before they continued. He knew he might as well be dead. These people don't leave people alive. He felt every hit to his ribs, his back, and his face. He threw a few hits of his own before getting thrown down again. He heard the click of a gun in his ringing ears before watching the same man get yanked back.

Matt followed Karen's lead, heard the group meet, and listened in as Jasper joined the meeting. He couldn't understand why someone would send a kid in their place. He sprung into action as quickly as he could once the beatdown began. He took out the group and made sure they wouldn't get back up. He turned his head towards Jasper as he fought to catch his breath.

"Holy shit.." the boy muttered, coughing up some blood as he leaned against the shipping container. He looked up at the masked vigilante and tensed up. "Woah... hey uh. Daredevil?" he said hesitantly. Matt sighed and helped Jasper onto his feet.

"Can you walk?'' Matt asked, holding Jasper up as he regained himself. Jasper wiped the blood from his chin and muttered something unintelligible before losing consciousness in the devil's arms. Matt caught him and sighed. "God kid what did you get yourself into.." he whispered before dragging the unconscious boy out of there as he called his man with a car. "Hey Foggy, I need your help"

Adopted by the Devil - Matt Murdock (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now