Chapter 28

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Jasper didn't think he'd find someone so understanding at the graveyard that day. He was out looking for someone to understand what he was going through but he did. Peter Parker was a nice surprise, so nice in fact they exchanged numbers; just in case they needed someone to talk to of course. That's what Jasper told himself as he walked back to the school and slipped into the halls before the bell rang. He merged in with the other kids and sat through three insufferable classes before they were dismissed. He couldn't keep his head in school.

Jasper walked into the sea of the student body before a hand gently grabbed his arm and pulled him aside. He snapped his head as his body tensed before his eyes snapped with Quinn's, her expression soft.

"Hey, sorry," she smiled gently, her hand still resting on his forearm. "I've been looking for you all day, where have you been?" she asked, her brow raising as she looked for an answer in his expression. He shifted and leaned against the lockers,

"You know, doing the work. Getting ahead. All the bullshit counselors say to you when you're behind in almost everything," Jasper explained, shrugging his shoulders. Quinn sighed, rubbing his arm gently, the warmth from her hand calming him slightly.

"Well, I got the notes from English and you can just copy my work but add a few typos, you're not the best speller," She teased and cracked a smile. "I convinced Mr. Seth to give you an extension on the paper, I'll help you when we get home," she stated, linking his arm with hers as she lead them out of the hall. Jasper smiled a bit, following her as she continued filling the empty space with whatever she could think of.

They walked down the stairs and stopped at a bench, Quinn slipping her books away in her bag before they continued. Jasper looked around their surroundings, a new habit he acquired after so much, his body went into protection mode. He turned and squared his shoulders off, his jaw clenching as he watched Jake and his posse walk out of the school doors with a loud slam and obnoxious behavior. Quinn straightened up and exhaled, grabbing Jasper's arm again.

"Come on, they don't need the attention." She said quietly. Jasper huffed and turned to her. His mouth opened to speak-

A football smacked right into the back of his head and Jasper staggered into Quinn, holding the back of his head as he regained focus around him. Quinn's eyes widened then squinted into a glare as Jake walked over to the two, picking the ball up and throwing it between his hands.

"Whoops, sorry." Jake snickered, smacking his lips together.

"You did that on purpose." Quinn snapped, her voice raising quickly as she stood between Jasper and him. Jake chuckled, looking down at her with a Crain of his neck.

"Hey teacher's pet, how's English going?" Jake asked, a glint in his eye as he watched her expression change.

"What- you look to make other people miserable, don't you?" she asked, looking up at him. "You're constantly making people feel like shit, why!" she exclaimed, waving her arms as she spoke. Jasper looked between them, a small crowd forming around them.

"Quinn.." Jasper muttered.

"Why don't you listen to your foster brother?" Jake asked. "You're all talk," Quinn scoffed.

"So are you, no one tries to say anything about it cause you're bigger and stronger and you're a guy," Quinn stated. "You're mean and cruel to everyone around you because you're treated like that at home aren't you." She accused. Jake tensed up, his nostrils flaring.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jake stated, his voice quiet as he spotted his younger sister in the crowd. Elise always stayed quiet, stayed away from the drama but this time, she watched as her older brother started to shut down.

"I think you do, I think you're scared because I just threw the truth in your face, that maybe you're becoming what you're scared of-" Jake shoved Quinn back, his large hands grabbing onto her shoulders and throwing her to the ground in a quick second.

"You don't know shit!" he snapped before Jasper's fist collided with his cheekbone.

Through the crowd that formed thicker by the second, Mel slipped in and helped Quinn up, Quinn's hands scrapped up from the concrete. Mel looked back at the boys just as Jake pushed Jasper into his guys

"Are you okay?" Mel asked, holding Quinn's arms. Quinn nodded quickly, her eyes watering up as she watched alongside the crowd. Mel clenched her jaw and stormed towards the center.

Jake landed punch after punch into Jasper's ribs and as he lined up for another slam to the face, Mel grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. Jake turned and yelled out, pepper spray going into his eyes as Mel just let it rip. She pulled back as he clutched his face. Mel grabbed Jasper's arm and booked it out of there with Quinn following, leaving the crowd and the screaming Jake Brown on the steps of the school.


Mel pulled Jasper into an alleyway, her eyes scanning over his body as he panted, his hand on his chest. Quinn caught up and panted as well, her hands clenched around some toilet paper. Jasper hissed, holding his side as he felt his ribs cringe in pain.

"What, the fuck." Jasper huffed, looking over at Quinn. "Why did you agitate him like that!" he snapped, brushing his hair from his face. Quinn flinched.

"I was standing up for you!" She stated. "You don't and I can't just let him walk all over you," Quinn stated. "You didnt need to punch him," Jasper scoffed and threw his hands up.

"Okay okay you were both in the wrong," Mel stated, playing the mediator as she watched the tension from Jasper rise.

"He's an asshole, now we know why. To some extend," Quinn sighed. Jasper groaned and rubbed his face.

"Why couldn't you have just let him be, yeah my head fucking hurts but it was fine," Jasper exclaimed. Quinn looked up at him and huffed, clenching her jaw.

"Seriously?" She asked. Mel glanced between the two.

"Quinn I think we should stop talking about it," Mel snapped slightly. Yes, she was still pissed with Jasper for how he was treating her but she knew why Jake pushed him into a state.

"No, no I'm tired of not knowing why you're like this Jasper, I'm trying to help-"

"Stop! Stop fucking trying to help," Jasper snapped, raising his voice as his temper shot through the roof. "Nothing you do is going to help with him cause, you're right. You don't know what happened." he snapped. Quinn jumped, her eyes filling with tears as he yelled in her face.


"Don't." He huffed and snatched his bag from her before walking down the alley. Mel huffed and grabbed Quinn's bag from her.

"I'll walk you home," she said gently. Quinn sniffled and hesitantly nodded. Mel started walking before looking back, Quinn staying in the same spot.

"Was Jake the guy who..." she whispered, tears falling down her cheeks. Mel sighed shakily and lead her down the street, not answering her question with words. It wasn't her place.


Jasper stormed through the rush hour crowds and made it to the park near the trailer park. He dropped his bag onto the ground and sat down beside it. He rubbed his face before pressing his hand to his chest, his heart hammering.

"This is your fault why'd you yell at her... But she started it... He would have just left... no he wouldn't have..." he muttered to himself, gripping his shirt as he breathed heavily. He sniffled, tears forming as he felt the pain shutter over his skin. He should call Matt, but then he'd have to explain what happened. He'd be disappointed, he'd maybe reconsider trying to become his foster father-

"Hey, you okay?" Jasper jumped and looked up at the swing set, a masked figure perched atop it. It stepped off and landed on the ground in front of him, the shadows disappearing and revealing his face, well his mask.


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