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I walked back to the parking lot and drive home. As I entered the phone rang.

Incoming call from unknown? I answered.

" Hello?"

" Kyra! Long time no talk old friend!"

"Darnell?? Darnell Chasett???"

" The one and only! I called to say im back in town and would love to see you."

"You went ghost for 10 years and now you want to call?? Darnell Tremaine Chasett you should be ashamed of your self!"

"I know im sorry. Please take me on my offer?"

"I don't know. Well it's not as if Im going to be busy so why not Stickbug?"

" Lol you remembered my old nickname. Thanks Grumps that means alot to me. How about tomorrow around 7?"

" Hey! Lol ok that sounds wonderful see you then."

After we exchange goodbyes I went and took a much needed shower and nap.




Oh gosh this was a really short chapter! I wanted to include Darnell's point of view but decided I was gonna do it in a separate chapter!

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