It's Me

289 19 2

Narrator POV


Kyra looked around thinking she heard a soft yet firm little voice. But upon seeing nothing she resumed to try to apply pressure on the knife.

"Mommy please no!"

This time the voice was louder and she could tell that it belonged to that of a childs.

"Who's there?" Kyra asked in a shaky voice.

"It's me Jonathan. Please mommy don't hurt yourself."

Oh my gosh am I hearing things?? Kyra asked her self.

Suddenly she felt a small hand lie on her free hand that was clutching the marble counter top.

At this point she felt afraid. She sensed who this voice was and at the metion of the name Jonathan she had let go of the knife and was at a loss for words. Tears were beginning to form as she thought of the what ifs.

What if her son had been born? What if she had never went to Roshawn's house? She felt an emptiness inside. She was stripped of ever getting the chance to see her son take his first steps. His first word. His first booboo. Honestly she felt that those who were blessed with having birthed their children should appreciate the fact. There were those like her who never got the chance.

As the tears cascaded down her cheek, once again she heard the voice. "You are loved mommy. By Trinity and me. Your son. You didn't lose me because I have always watched you from Heaven. God takes really good care of me and I have lots of fun with the angels! Most importantly I'm waiting to finally meet you. But I won't be able to if you hurt yourself. What happened was not your fault. Don't give up because things will get better. I love you mommy."

As he said those last words his voice fainted till it was no more.

Kyra looked up with red eyes and tear stained cheeks and whispered 

"My baby is in the hands of my Heavenly Father! My baby talked to me!"

Bending down she took the knife and placed it back then went to her room got one her knees and prayed.

"Heavenly Father I come before you today to ask for forgiveness that I have ever doubted your faithful and unfailing love. Father I ask of you to help me to in turn forgive those who tresspass me. Roshawn in particular. Dear Lord I pray that you fill me with the spirit of forgiveness and compassion. Father God I also come before your throne to exalt you. To thank you for allowing my son to visit me. Father please help me to stay on the path of rightiousness no matter the circumstance. Help me to be a light unto those who see no end to the darkness. In the precious and holy names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit I pray, amen."

As soon as Kyra uttered those last words, a sudden weight was lifted from her shoulders. She knew that the cross she was bearing was being held up by the Lord. Without Him, she would have surely crumbled.


So here's another update (:  

Updates will most likely be at least 3times per week untill I go back to school.. Yayy its my senior yr of hs!!!  

Anyways awww Jonathan got to talk to his mommy!!

Questions: Is the storm over for Kyra or.. is it just the beginning?

- Will Kyra fully ever accept herself?

- Ohh what's gonna happen next??  

you guys would never guess!

Well please:




Smooches to all the new readers! Thanks guys!!! and yayy FLW is in the top 100 for spiritual!! Thank you lots guys!

Stay blessed (: 

- BeccaNique

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