Life is a Precious Gift Pt. 1

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Momma Deena POV

We discontinued Sunday dinners after the incident, but today... Today I feel the need to be surrounded by the ones I love. Today she would have been 33.

Shauntrice POV

I hate this day of the year. May 9th. The day she left us from this earth. I'm in so much pain. I've masked it well enough but I need someone to confide to. Because it was all my fault.


"Bri!! Oh stop it little girl you know I'm going to find you!"

I giggled and gasped when I felt my sister grab my arm from behind the couch where I was hiding.


I yelped and tried to make a dash for my room but my sister was too quick and ended up falling while my big sister by 2 years held a grip to my ankles.

"Shauntrice Brielle and Katelynn Yhanay, if you both don't stop all this foolishness a whopping is what will come y'all way!" Our mother shouted.

"Yes ma'am," we both answered.

"I like your name better Yhanie," I stated while looking down.

"I wish things with out dad went differently too but it didn't and he's not here. And I don't like my name because it reminds me of grandma Kate. She's so mean to us for no reason."

Although I was just five when our daddy left us, I remember him vivadly. He made our lives horrific. We always got beat the worst beatings. I have a whole bunch of scars to prove it, even though I'm only 12 now.

And to make it all worst the only grandma we had, hated us. Like really hated us. She was a prissy old lady who also enjoyed beating my sister and I. Each time she did so she would mutter bastard children over and over again. I tried asking mommy what that meant one time, the words 'bastard children', but she got really upset so I left it alone.

A few months after I had turned 12, Yhanie and I were walking to go get some ice cream. We never made it to the shop. Instead she ended up in the back of an ambulance with a plastic sheet over her head.

**End of FLASHBACK **

Till this day I blamed myself for what happened to Yhanie.

Unknown POV

I was sitting in my office of one of my trap houses, staring at a secret picture of my family when a knock was heard.

Hiding the picture securely I answered "Come in," with a weapon at hand aimed at the door.

With my profession you never know.

Coming in was my best friend Jarod.

He chuckled. "I see some things never change."

"What brings you here? It's been awhile."

"To talk some sense into you. I hear what you plan on doing but you have to ask yourself.. Is it worth it?"

"Jarod you got some nerve asking if it's worth it. I lost my family because of him! Of course it's worth it!" I exclaimed.

Jarod remained calm then said, "You lost your family because of your selfish ways. Look at you. Pushing 60 and still involved in the game."

"Get out."

I watched as Jarod shook his head and proceeded to walk away. Before he shut the door he turned and said, "I also came to let you know that I'm going to go and find my daughter. So goodbye Anthony."

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