Be Free

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I still could not believe it. Darnell Chassett has returned home. I didn't know how to react so I just watched in amazement as he stood at the pulpit overlooking the crowd with a smile on his face.

"Good morning everyone. I am so thankfull to be back home. It's been a long while and we all know that eventually we each should find our way home and by being here today, I have found my way home."

The congregation erupted in a chorus of cheers and claps.

I still had not recovered from seeing Darnell at the pulpit. I knew he was back in town but I was not expecting this grown man who was currently about to bring us the word.

Wow he had really grown up!  

Gone was the skinny replaced with muscle and a neatly trimmed goatee.  

"What's going on?" asked a confused Roxy.

"That man up there moved away for quite some time but is now back home." I answered her.

"Today Darnell- I mean Rev. Chassett will bring us the word! It's good to have you home son." Rev. Cunningham stated.

After everyone had settled down, Darnell began preaching. His topic was on Freedom in preparation of this year's youth crusade's theme Be Free.*

"How many of you have ever been hurt?" Everyone rose their hands.. Even Roxy and I.

"Now how many of you have completely moved past the hurt and started taking steps foward? Not only that but truly forgave the person who did you wrong? Y'all dont have to raise your hands this is a question that I want you all to meditate on and I hope that today's sermon can help all of you to be a step closer to whatever strongold that is holding you back from victory."

The crowd errupted in cheers.

"Being free is simple as 1, 2, 3."

Some people laughed.

Darnell chuckled and stated "Really it is. 1.) Let it all go.  

2.) Move on 

and lastly 3.) Forgive the person who did you wrong."

"You may say you are over the situation but unless you let go and let God you can't move to the second step which is to move on. Moving on means stop fealing sorry for yourself. Stop blaming others for what happened. Stop saying what if. Just plain stop living in the past and move foward by building a stronger future. Lastly Forgive. Have you ever heard a person say 'Oh I forgive you but I will never forget what you put me through.' That mindset is not of a person who has forgave and doing that you are keeping yourself from having freedom. When you forgive someone it should be sincere.You'll be suprised on how much better you will feel once you have forgave the person that hurt you most. It wont be easy I'll tell you that, but it will be worth it. In doing so, the weight you have been dragging around on your shoulders will be lifted off signaling that you are no longer held captive to whatever chains were holding you down. Now as I close I want to remind you all that this message is not just for the youth. It is entended for all of you who feel like there is some kind of object or force standing in your way of freedom. I know that I have people in here that want- no need to desperately break free from it all. Whether you are hurting that your momma grounded you, you were cheated on, lied to, abused physically and emotionally or sexually. Whether you are hurting from unfound or mistreated love, from the loss of your unborn child, Im here to let you know that in the Mighty Jesus name, YOU CAN BE SET FREE! No more what ifs, no more crying, no more pain. If that is you I want you to come to the alter. Come forth and set it all down to God. If you are here this morning and you do not have Christ in your life you are welcome as well. For the Lord says Come all you weak and weary. Come forth brother God has a plan for you. That lifestyle you  lived can and is in the past. Step forth! Sister I feel your pain. Your bitterness. For all that you went through behind closed doors. You can be free from the bondage that have held you down! There is healing in the Name of Jesus!"

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