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I slowly walked over to her and got one one knee while trying to console and introduce myself to her.

"Hey there my name is Kyra Joseph. What's wrong hunny?"

When she met my eyes I felt myself break. Through her eyes one could tell that she's gone through hell and back. There was no mistake that behind those big , brown eyes that pain and a dark past lurked there. At that moment I just held her, letting her cry on my shoulder.

A few minutes had passed and the heavy sobs turned into sniffles. I pulled her to her feet and lead her to my office and told her to wait a minute. Finding Shauntrice I told her of my dilemma and before I could even ask, she offered to substutue for me for Sunday School.

I found the girl gazing into space in deep thought. When she took notice of my entrance she lowered her head and whispered a faint "Thank you." I sat across from her and told her it was no problem.

"Roxy." she stated

"My name is Roxy... Rooxy Bryant." she said without making eye contact.

"Nice to meet you Roxy."

Again I noticed her rumpled attire as if she had been in a fight as well as her face having a few scars that looked fresh. Dark, ugly looking bruises ran up her arm and around her neck.

"Please don't tell anyone!" she said in a frantic voice.

"I won't if you allow me to fix you up. Then if you choose you can tell me what happened to you and I will be more than happy to help."

"Ok." Roxy softly answered.

Lucky for me I keep a few sets of extra clothing stored away and I was able to get her into some fresh clothes, although a little big but nothing that a belt couldn't fix. I did her makeup and tried my best to make those bruises seem gone.

When I was finished tears rimmed her eyes and she stated "Thank you" and gave me a hug.

"You are very welcome sweety."

"If there's time I would like to explain." Roxy stated.

There was about 40 minutes left before Worship Service started and told her so.

" I- I got in a fight with my childrens' father because I wanted to come to church today. He told me if I went there would be consequences but I just had to come. I've strayed from Jesus and need His love and help again. I'm tired of living a life without having to fear for myself and my children. I want better for them. My kids. I have two beautiful angels. Jolissa and Jomarion." she smiled while saying their names and you could tell from the way her eyes shined that she loved her children dearly.

"Please don't judge me because I'm a teenage mother. I know I've made mistakes but I'm trying to do better. I'm only 17 and the things I've had to endure, no 17 year old should have gone or go through."

By then she was crying again and I along side her.

Holding her tight I said " I'm glad that you came here for help. Glad that you are trying not only for your sake but the sake of your children. I mean it when I say I'm gonna be there for you no matter what." smiling she nodded and we sat there for awhile just crying and hugging.

"would you like to join the congregration for worship?"

"Yes please. But can we please sit in the back?"

I nodded we walked out. Upon her request we sat in the back pews annd got ready to praise and hear the word of God. When it came time for the sermon, Kyra's whole deamenor had changed. I was getting out my notebook and pen to take notes when all of the sudden the whole congregation rose up to their feet and began to clap and shout thing out such as "Praise God Almighty he is back!"

Who is back? I questioned in my thoughts. I looked up and could not believe my eyes. There on the pulpit was non other than Darnell....

Ok there goes the long awaited update!! sorry no comp at home.. bear with me.. please share like and votee and commenttt!!!!!

God bless and have a blessed weekend :}

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