{ want him to teach a lesson}

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[ other pov ]

They were still doing party and yibo said while being shy,

" I'm going to buy more snaks. " Said yibo and went out. And zhan said,

" Then.. I will help him carry. " Said zhan. And went out. Then Wenhan went to hostel warden and said,

" Auntie. The guy's next to my room are so noisy. They argue every day. " Said Wenhan.

" This sis doesn't know anything about that. But when will you stop calling me auntie? " Said wardon.

" Come on, auntie I'm worried about them. Oh, and i want to know what they are fighting about. " Said Wenhan.

" Such a busybody. " Said wardon.

" I'm curious." Said wenhan and his roommate liu came and he talked in Chinese so wenhan didn't understand what did he said and wenhan asked,

liu can you speak korean or English? I don't understand. " Said wenhan.

" I said... What are you doing here? Do you want to come up together? " Asked liu.

" No, you go first. I'm still talking to auntie. " Said wenhan.

" Auntie my ass. " Said wardon. While whenhan give a smile when he was talking to liu. And liu said,

" Okay. See you later, auntie. " Said liu while smiling.

" You!! Come here. " Said wardan angrily. And liu leave that place.

" I'm very curious, auntie . " Said wen han. And suddenly yibo and zhan both went out. And wenhan said,

" They're fighting again." Said wenhan while pointing at yibo and zhan.

" What's going on? " Asked warden. And wenhan went out to listen their talk. Zhan was behind yibo and said,

" Yibo, we need to talk. You're so immature. Do you think.... You can get rid of me with your childish plan? " Said zhan giving a smirk smile in his face.

" If my plan didn't work, you wouldn't be here picking a fight. " Said yibo angrily.

" Do you seriously think i will give up just because you have your friends over? " Said zhan.

" Looks like that to me. I should have told them your gay. I'm dying to see their reactions. " Said yibo.

" Go ahead, i also want to see their reactions....when they find out you have been living with a gay roommate all this time. " Said zhan.

" I'm not gay! I'm not like you! And i will never be gay! " Said yibo while shouting at zhan.

" But don't forget that... You're living with a gay man. And... " Said zhan and suddenly kissed yibo on his cheeks.

" Hey! You bitch! " Said yibo shoutingly and about to punch zhan but zhan grabbed yibo's both hands.

" If you stay close to me...you will get infected with gay virus. " Said zhan while smiling.

" If you will do that one more time, i will beat you to death! " Said yibo and pushed zhan.

" Didn't you say i screw around? Then there is nothing wrong... If i want to screw you, too. " Said zhan while smiling.

" Damn you, zhan! " Said yibo angrily and grabbed zhans shirt. Then suddenly warden came and asked,

" Stop right now! What's going on? " Asked warden.

" Nothing, auntie. We're just greeting each other...as friends. " Said zhan looking at yibo's angry face. And yibo went inside.

" What are they fighting about?" Asked wenhan with himself while he was hiding behind the leaves, then suddenly liu came he was Waring a face mask and wenhan said shockingly,

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