{ 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗲? }

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[Author's pov ]

Yibo and Yeounjun were practicing football with their team. Yeounjun was shouting but wasn't practicing.

" instead of shouting, why don't you practice, Yeounjun? " asked Yibo.

" You know that right, my Football skills are so good. Remember, I have a natural born talent. Just wait and see, Yibo. One day... I will be team captain! " said

" Are you daydreaming? " asked Yibo while laughing. Yeounjun showed Yibo middle finger. There team members came.

" you better wake up, Yeounjun. Team captain, you? Said a boy.

" don't say that. He is really passionate about it. He keeps saying that hundred times a day. " said the boy while laughing.

" whatever. But when we are seniors there there is a captain election... You all must vote for me understood? " said Yeounjun.

" and you start lobbying people right now? Aren't you too serious? " asked a boy.

"Read my lips. I'm serious, dead serious." Said Yeounjun angrily.

" shall i wake you up? " asked Yibo while laughing.

"You keep interrupting me. What happened to you this time?" Asked Yeounjun.

" nothing, just forget it. " said Yibo.

"Are you fighting with your roommate again? You two keep fighting all the time. " said Soobin.

" it's nothing. Yeounjun is just babbling nonsense. I'm leaving. " said Yibo and went from their.

" I'm also coming with you. Bye Guy's " said Yeounjun and he also went behind Yibo.

" Did you flight with Zhan? " asked Yeounjun.

"No, I'm just thinking about something. " said Yibo.

" Are you sure? " asked Yeounjun. And suddenly two people came. One is an trance gender and another is a girl.

" Hello, my dear Yeounjun. " said the girl.

" Hello. " said Yeounjun.

" How are you? " asked the girl.

" I'm fine, and you, how are you? " asked Yeounjun.

" I'm, so fine. " said the girl while looking at Yibo. Yibo got uncomfortable.

" your friend? " asked the girl while looking at Yibo andsmiling at him.

" Yes, he is my friend. His name is Wang Yibo. " said Yeounjun.

" He's so hot. You know, his skin, his body, all shiny and sweaty. We were right to come here. " said the girl looking at Yibo.

" Yes, mama. " said the boy who is trance.

" well.. All i have been hearing are compliments about my friend. What about me? " asked Yeounjun.

" we want to. But you are so old model, Yeounjun. We want to try something fresh and new, right? " said that boy.

" looks like some queenies might get slapped today. " sais Yeounjun.

" In that case give me the full ' slap and kiss ' experience. I slap... And you kiss, okay? " said the girl.

" kissing is not enough for her. She likes it rough on bed too, right? " said the boy.

" Yeounjun, I'm leaving. " saidYibo and was about to go but the boy stopped him.

" wait, can i have a moment? We are admins of Handsome guy page. " said the boy.

"We want to take your photo's to post on the page. We also need your name, faculty, Instagram account and phone number. In case we post them on page. Trust me. Your body and looks will make girls go crazy." Said the girl and they started to touch Yibo. Yibo got very uncomfortable. And pushed them.

" Stay away, faggot's. I hate the feeling of you." said Yibo angrily.

" we are fags but what's that got to do with you, asshole! " said the girl angrily.

" it's got nothing to do with me. I just can't stand breathing the same air as you. " said Yibo angrily. Yeounjun was controlling him. But he didn't stopped.

" Sis, I'm sorry from my friend. " Said Yeounjun.

" Why are you apologizing? They just can't grope whoever they want." Said Yibo angrily and went.

" what did he say? You.. " the girl was about to beat Yibo but Yeounjun apologized to them.

They spread the news that Yibo insulted them. The news was all over the college everyone were looking at Yibo like he is the culprit. So he didn't go to college. Yeounjun also scolded him because Yibo didn't wanted to say sorry. Zhan came to the room.

" Are you okay? " asked Zhan.

" guess you have found out. Whose side are you on? The side that hates me... Or the side that uses me to diss homosexuals? But you must have hated me...for insulting your own kind. Today i was an outcast. All eye's were on me wherever i went. I think this is what i get...for insulting you. " said Yibo in a sad tone. And got up from the bed and was about to go but Zhan held his hand and said,

"Is there anything i can do for you?" Asked Zhan sadly.

" Can you make everyone on earth...straight? Can you do it? " asked Yibo.

" i can't. Because i will never stop liking men. " said Zhan in a sad tone. Yibo also got sad and went outside.


[ In the college ]

" students, do you understand today's lesson?if you have question's, come to me after class. Class dismissed. " said the teacher.

Zhan and Dai kun were writing the note's suddenly Kun took the pen from Zhans hand and mark something. Zhan was smiling at him. And Kun gave the pen back. And Zhan started to write.

" Zhan. You would move off campus. Why do you still live with that kind of man. " said Kun.

" Exactly what kind...do you mean?" Asked Zhan.

" You know what i mean. Just move out. Or you will get dragged into this mess. It's obvious that your roommate is...a troublemaker. Said Kun.

" Why do i havr to move out? He and i... Aren't having fight. Said Zhan.

" That's what i want to know. How can you live with him? I have known from the start that he...hates gay's. Doe's he knows that you are... " Kun was about to say.

" Why are you sticking your nose into my matter? The midterm exam. Have you prepared for it? " asked Zhan while smiling.

" ouch. That hurts, man. Don't talk about exam's. To hell with studying!" Said Kun while laughing.

" Where are you going? No rehearsal today? " asked Kun. Zhan came towards to him and said,

" I'm not you. I'm returning to my room to study for exam. " said Zhan while smiling.

" Of course Mr. " highly responsible and hardworking " Yibo. We have only one theory test. The rest are practicals. You sure you are diligent, aren't you? What a great student. " said Kun while smiling. And Zhan went to his room back.


( I know this chapter was bore but i will try to make it interesting

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( I know this chapter was bore but i will try to make it interesting... Please read, vote and let me know how was the chapter... Take care and sorry for the late update ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ )

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