{ I can't live without you }

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[ Author's pov ]

[ Next morning at college ]

Yibo was talking to himself and was thinking why Zhan didn't slept with him. Suddenly Yeounjun came and said,

" What wrong? Talking to yourself, are you crazy? " Asked Yeounjun while laughing.

" Piss off. " Said Yibo angrily.

" I'm asking because I'm worried. I thought you went nuts talking your self like that. Here is your juice. " Said Yeounjun and gave the juice to Yibo who was sucking like a kid.

" I wanted to ask something. Have you decide about joining our team? I would better not. " Said Yeounjun.

" I don't want to hold the team back. I'm fine with just casual matches with you guy's . " Said Yibo.

" But i really want you to be part of the team. " Said Yeounjun while getting emotional but it was just a act.

" Because you can help me to become the team captain. " Said Yeounjun while smiling.

" Are you daydreaming again ? " Asked Yibo while laughing.

" Don't shatter my dream, dammit. Are you really my friend? By the way, what's wrong with Zhan? " Asked Yeounjun.

" What about him? " Asked Yibo with an confused face.

" I saw him this morning. He ignored me and looked tense. And... He seemed unusually silent. " Said Yeounjun.

" How?

" That's why I'm asking if you are fighting with him again. " Said Yeounjun.

" Are you my friend or his? " Asked Yibo angrily.

" His. No I'm just kidding. Your friend, of course. That's why I'm asking you now, otherwise i would have already asked him. Speaking of Zhan, i feel bad for him. " Said Yeounjun.

" Why? " Asked Yibo.

" How can he fell for a guy like you? " Asked Yeounjun while Yibo was about to hit him.

" I was jocking. " Said Yeounjun.

" You are such a jerk. " Said Yibo angrily.

" So how are things between you two? But I'm sure you will never give in to him. I have made a bet with my friends. I'm gonna win for sure. " Said Yeounjun and he saw Yibo being nervous.

" Hey.. You look strangely uneasy. Don't tell me that you two already... " Said Yeounjun and Yibo hit him on his head.

" Keep your shitty thought's to your shitty self. It will never happen. " Said Yibo and took his bag so that he can go from their.

" Was that your hand or your foot. Wait for me. " Said Yeounjun while rubbing his head where Yibo hit him.

Zhan went to his home so that he can't meet Yibo.


[ Wang Yibos pov ]

I don't know why i was looking for him. My mind was saying don't care but my heart was saying call him and ask. I was so confused whom should i listen to. I was looking at Zhans bed where no one was there. My feelings are messed up right now.

When i was thinking all of this i saw a letter on his side of the bed.

" What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you still mad. You went home without telling me. And that silent treatment shit you gave me. What did i do to deserve this? Is it because of that goddamn kiss? I Asked to myself and thought of that night when i stopped him to kiss me.

" Dream on if you think I'm gonna apologize. " I said to myself and fell on the bed. The only person was in my mind was Zhan and why i was feeling that i don't know. Maybe because he was always there and now he is vanished suddenly that's why I'm feeling like that. I don't know what was going on with me. Somewhere i needed him. But somewhere i don't. It's like I'm fighting with my own feeling's.


[ Xiao Zhans pov ]

I was in my home with my brother and little sister. I thought if i will come here i won't miss him. I will forgot what happened. But I'm not able to forget anything. I'm hurt but i can't tell anyone. I was playing piano. Each music make me remember Yibo. His smile, his touch, his everything. But why I'm thinking this. He will never love me. I love him so much. But he will never understand me.

My all feelings are mixed right now. I want to be with him, i want to protect him, i want to support him as an boyfriend. But he will never love me back. He will never love me as i do. He will never understand my feelings. That night i was really hurt not because he didn't kissed me but because he didn't understand my feelings. He thinks that we are only sex friend's. But for me it's being difficult to control it anymore.

One day maybe he will be not with me. So i should make myself distensed from him and stay away from him because it's making me hurt. It's making me feel bad.


[ Author's pov ]

One week have been passed but Zhan still didn't came back. After one week he came to the room. Yibo bought him sprite. But Zhan didn't even touched it and went to his friends house to sleep. The next day Yibo bought lot's of sprites and spread it on Zhans bed.

" I hope you get diabetes. I will make you drink till you drop. Wait, why am i doing this? I don't want to make up with you. " Said Yibo to himself. And started to play the game. Zhan came to the room he picked all the sprite and placed it on the table.

" Actually... You don't have to do this. " Said Zhan in a sad tone.

" I'm the one who should ask. Just tell me what's wrong. " Said Yibo angrily.

" I have nothing to say. " Said Zhan and was about to leave the room but Yibo stoppee him.

" Zhan.

" You should be happy... I'm acting like this. " Said Zhan and was about to leave but Yibo stoppee him while coming close to him.

" Tonight...I'm sleeping over my friend's house. " Said Zhan while straightly looking into Yibos eye's. Yibo helled Zhans arm and kissed him. He was about to go after kissing Zhan but Zhan stopped him and kissed Yibo. Zhan placed his tounge inside Yibos mouth while tasting each part of Yibo. Zhan placed his both hand's around Yibos waist. Yibo placed his both hands around Zhans neck. They were so into each other. They didn't wanted to leave each other. And stick to each other like a glue. Suddenly Yibo pushes Zhan.

" You wanted the goddamn kiss right? Now you got it. But I'm not making up with you. So don't you smile. " Said Yibo. And was about to go but Zhan hugged him from back.

" Not that i don't want to leave. But i can't live without you. " Said Zhan and kissed Yibos cheecks. Yibo was blushing so much and he was smiling. Both were smiling.


( Sorry for not updating for 2 day's

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( Sorry for not updating for 2 day's. I hope you liked the chapter (≡^∇^≡) if you liked it please do vote and give lot's of love to our Zhanyi❤️ Take care sweeties ❤️ have a great day☀)

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