{ 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗶 𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂? }

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[ Author's pov ]

" Today also you skiped class? " asked Zhan.

" Leave me alone. " said Yibo while watching the phone.

" I talked to Yeounjun. He said you skipped class. You have been missing classes for a week. " said Zhan.

" Nosy.. " said Yibo annoyingly.

" You should relearn your language. Nosy and worry...have different meanings." Said Zhan sadly.

" You? Worry about me? I want to laugh my ass off." Said Yibo.

" Then laugh. Anyway, let's have dinner. " said Zhan while trying to convince him.

" I'm not hungry." Said Yibo while taking Zhans hands off from him.

"Yibo, get up and eat something." Said Zhan while again trying.

" I told you yo leave me alone! I didn't asked you to buy me dinner. I didn't asked you to be nice to me. Piece of shit! " said Yibo angrily. Zhan Suddenly helled Yibos hand's and pinned him on the wall.

" What are you doing, Zhan? Let me go! Zhan, let me.. " Yibo was about to continue but Zhan hugged him and placed his head on Yibos sholder and said,

" Eat something. Please. I don't care if you see me as gay...or whatever thing you hate me. But please eat something. I'm begging you. " said Zhan while hugging Yibo.

" You are beginning a scumbag like me?" Asked Yibo in a shock face.

" I know it's not your fault. " Said Zhan while looking at Yibo in his eye's.

" But the whole university's made me feel guilty. " said Yibo.

" I don't care what people say. For me... You are innocent." Said Zhan.

" Even though i hate gay's? Even tough i hate you?" asked Yibo.

" Yes. Even though you hate me. Yibo. You can tell me what's on your mind. I will always hear you out. I'm on your side. Please, Yibo. You can tell me." said Zhan.

" When i was eleven. A scumbag did something to me. He was a roofer at my dad's resort. I saw him everyday. He told me...there was football field i could play. So i followed him. Then he punched me. I was so tiny. There was no way i could fight him back. He tied my hands up. No matter how much i begged, he wouldn't let me go. That place was so filthy. You made me cum, right? But the guy's who hates gay's like me...did that to a man when i was eleven. It was horrible. I was disgusted. Suffering. And suffocating. Tears streamed down my eye's. He also groped me. And stripped me!" Said Yibo while crying hardly. Suddenly Zhan pulled him and hugged him tightly. Tears were rolling from both of there eye's.

" Don't say anything. I'm sorry. " said Zhan while hugging Yibo tears were rolling from his eye's.

" Why are you apologizing? " asked Yibo while crying and hugging Zhan.

" I hate you. I hate people like you." said Yibo while crying and still hugging Zhan.

" It's okay to hate me" Said Zhan and hugged Yibo more tightly. Both were hugging like they don't wanna leave each other tears were folling from there eye's.


[ Wenhan's room ]

He sticked his ear's to the wall so that he can hear there fight. Suddenly Liu came from back and said,

" When will you stop pocking your nose into their matter? " asked Liu.

" I'm worried. I thought i heard them arguing just now. " said Wenhan while again trying to hear.

" But they quieted down. Liu. I'm worried about Yibo. The damn gossip's spread all over the campus. It's become the talk of the town. " Said Wenhan.

" So... What do you think? Do you agree with Yibo?" Asked Liu.

" I don't know. But I'm not against homosexuality. And i believe Yibo is not that kind of man. It's true he is foul-mouthed and blunt....but he has his reasons. Should i... Go and ask him?" Asked Wenhan.

" Before you worry about the people next door...shouldn't you worry about yourself first? How many marks are you planning to get? " asked Liu.

" Come on, studying is not a big deal. But snooping on...i mean, looking after the freshman is more important. " said Wenhan while again trying to listen.

" That's enough. Time to study. And stop worrying about them. Even if you don't care about yourself...i still care for you." Said Liu.

" what? " asked Wenhan while still sticking his ear's to the wall.

" How long are you going to be like this?" Asked Liu.

" Be quiet!" Said Wenhan. And again trying to listen to them. Liu got frustrated and went from there.


[ Next morning ]

The girl named Lusi who spread the news about Yibo was watching her phone suddenly the boy who is a transe named Jun called her.

" Mama! Look at this. Things are getting out of control because of you. " said Jun.

" Why are you blaming it on me? You took part in it too. You egged me on. Now you are pinning the blame on me." Said Lusi.

" Honestly, if it's not our fault then whose fault it is? " asked Jun.

" That brat's. If he didn't insulted us, i wouldn't have done it." Said Luci. Suddenly Juns phone rang it was professor's phone. And he told them to meet him in the principal office room.

" Bitch, we are screwed. The principal wants to meet us." Said jun.

" Birch, i knew it! Who shared our story on the university webboard? Look, it's really serious. I bet she did it, i remember her name. So nasty. That ugly Bitch. " said Luci angrily and went to the principal office. Yibo was also called by the principal.


[ Out side of principal office]

All three of them came out of the office room.

" What do we do, mama? We must end the feud by this week, or we will be in big trouble. " said Jun.

" Hold on. Aren't you going to apologize? " asked Luci to Yibo.

" What about you? Even think of apologizing to me? " asked Yibo.

" Why do we have to apologize? " asked Jun.

" If you hadn't posted my pic, you wouldn't have been scolded. Besides, i could have cold the police to arest you. But you are lucky that i think before i act. " said Yibo.

" You filthy mouth! " said Luci and was about to his him but Jun stopped him.

" Mama, stop it! We have got enough problems. I want it to be over." Said Jun. Yibo was about to go from there but he saw Zhan.

" Zhan. What are you doing here? " asked Yibo.


(So I'm done writing this part Sweetie's hope you will like it... Please do read, Vote and comment. Take care❤️❤️❤️❤️ )

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