{ I'm guilty }

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[ Author's pov ]

Zhan went back to their room, and got medicine for Yibo. Yibo was shiffering and his temperature was high.

" Yibo, take some medicine. " Said Zhan while waking Yibo up. Yibo was not taking medicine so Zhan forcefully put the medicine inside Yibo's mouth. And he took the water in his mouth and kissed Yibo so that the water can get inside Yibo's mouth.

Yibo was feeling Zhans lips but he can't even moove because of fever. After some time Zhan came again to check Yibo.

" I'm going to reduce your fever. " Said Zhan and took a towel and put it inside the water then cleaned Yibos body. Yibo was getting nightmares again.

" Dad, don't go. Dad! " Shouted Yibo and hugged Zhan tightly.

" Don't leave me. " Said Yibo while hugging Zhan tightly.

" I'm not going to leave you. Just trying to lower your fever. " Said Zhan and hugged Yibo back.

" Don't go. " Said Yibo.

" I'm not going anywhere. I'm sitting right beside you. " Said Zhan while giving a soft smile and made Yibo sleep on the bed.

Yeounjun was coming with his friend to meet Yibo.

" Stupid me, i forgot to ask Zhans number. Zhan, where are you going? How is Yibo? " Asked yeounjun.

" Still sleeping. He's been sleeping since morning. I will go buy medicine and gel patches. " Said Zhan.

" It's okay. I already bought them. " Said yeounjun.

" You go with Yibos roommate. Take care of him. I will go find something to eat. See you, Zhan." Said the guy who came with yeounjun. And yeounjun was looking at Zhan.

" Why are you looking at me like that? " Asked Zhan with an confused fave.

" Nothing. It's just that you have my respect. You guy's fight everyday but still you helped him. " Said yeounjun.

" We live in the same room. I can't let him die in there. " Said Zhan.

" That's why i said your super-duper nice. Let's say you are the one who is sick. I bet he will leave you to die. " Said yeounjun and both started to laugh.

" Yeounjun. " Called Zhan.

" Yes. " Replied yeounjun.

" Can you do me a favor? " Asked Zhan.

" What is it? " Asked yeounjun.

" Don't tell Yibo, that I'm the one who took care of him. " Said Zhan.

" Why? " Asked yeounjun.

" Come on. " Said Zhan with an pouty face.

" Ok, if that what's you want. You two are equally weird. " Said yeounjun and went with Zhan to eat.

[ after sometime ]

Yibo woke up and saw rice soup on the table along with the medicine.

" Why are you being nice to me? What exactly do you want? " Asked Yibo while looking at the table.

Yeounjun came to Yibos room to check if his fever is gone or not.

" Your awake? How are you? Feeling better now? Let me check" Asked yeounjun. And checked Yibos temperature while touching his forehead and neck.

" I skipped practice to take care of you, you know? " Said yeounjun.

" Is this your rice soup? " Asked Yibo.

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