{ I want you }

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[ Authors POV ]

[ Next day ]

Yibo was talking to his dad. And Zhan was kept looking at Yibos face. They were going out to eat. Yibo was done talking with his dad. Zhan thought of teasing Yibo again so he asked their is no " Little Yibo " Again? And Yibo was about to hit him. Then Yibo told that his dad wanted to meet Zhan. And Zhan asked, if Yibos dad know about their relationship. So Yibo told him that this thing might be kept secret forever. Zhan felt sad with Yibos this sentence. Zhan just wanted everyone to know that Yibo is his now. But Yibo doesn't wanted that.

Both went to the restaurant to eat. Yibo was kept ordering raw food's. Zhan also ordered his favorite food. Yibo started eat his food. He told Zhan to try the fish. Zhan doesn't like fish things but still he eat it because he doesn't wanted Yibo to feel bad. After some time Zhan got sick he felt like vomenting so he took a rest in the rest corner of the restaurant.

Yibo was tired and he was about to leave but Zhan his hand and requested him to be with him. Then they went to a furniture store to look at the bed for them. That lady who misunderstood last time that lady was again teasing them Zhan was enjoying looking at Yibos face. Suddenly Zhan got a call.

" I have to take this call. You choose which one you want. " Zhan said.

" You are leaving me alone? " Yibo asked while whispering to Zhan but Zhan left to take the call. Yibo gave a fake smile to that staff lady.

[ Zhan and Yibos house ]

Yibo was looking at his laptop and he went to Facebook and visited Zhans account and got shocked

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Yibo was looking at his laptop and he went to Facebook and visited Zhans account and got shocked. Zhan got confused and asked,

" What the matter? " Zhan asked with an confused tone.

" Are you free before the semester starts? " Yibo asked while looking Zhan.

" Before the semester starts...oh... You found out. Before the semester starts...im free on the afternoon. I have to go home in the evening. " Zhan said while looking at Yibo.

" Go home? " Yibo asked with an confused face.

" It's my mom's policy. On birthday's, we can celebrate whoever we want. But dinner time is family time. That's why i must have dinner with my family. " Zhan said.

" So...What if you have a boyfriend? " Yibo asked.

" If i have a boyfriend...my mom allows me to bring my boyfriend. But if my boyfriend asks why he is not my priority... My mom would say that...she was the one who endured pain to give birth to me. That's why she has the right to choose. My mom also says that... If my boyfriend being unreasonable, i should tell him this. " If you don't love your family, how can you love someone else? " Therefore... Come with me. " Zhan said while coming close to Yibo while smiling.

" What? " Yibo asked in shock.

" Come to my house on my birthday. " Zhan said while pouting.

" Did you forget that...my family knows. I came out when i was in 12th grade. " Zhan said and kissed Yibos shoulder.

The Unexpected Love ||  Zhanyi ||Where stories live. Discover now