{ i hate you }

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[ Next morning ]

Yibo was standing near the balcony with an towel suddenly an message came from his friend. [Watch before it's deleted ] it was an porn video.

Yibo replied - what did you just send?

Friend - common, your behaving like you don't know anything yibo... Just watch it my mom is sitting next to me, if she sees me, watching porn, I'd be killed.

Yibo - hahaha~ okie. More, gimme more.

Yibo was laughing on his friends situation. Yibo went to his bed and he started to watch that porn video. He mooved his hands down to his pants and started rub his dick slowly then he rubbed his dick fastly.

" Umm.. Ahh~ so.. Good.. " Yibo said while moaning. In the other side zhan was coming to the room with an cold coffee zhan came and yibo was very shocked and little bit shy too. Zhan saw his look and he was smiling while drinking his cold coffee.

" Hey~ what the hell are u smiling at? " Said yibo while hiding him inside the blanket.

" Well... " Said zhan while smiling and looking at him.

" What are you looking at! Get lost! " Said yibo angrily.

" Why should i?? It's you who should know that this is a shared room. And i thought you were disgusted with me or do you...have feeling for me. " Said zhan in a naughty smile.

" I hate you so much i don't even want to breathe the same air with you. Why do i have to share the same room with you? Did your dad not loved you when you were child? Is that why you go behind the men's? " Said yibo while zhan get so angry because he can't hear anything against his dad and yibo said about his dad so he got angry and came up on yibo and holded his both hand's and locked them with his hand.

Zhan- don't insult my dad!

Yibo - what are you doing?!

"I have had enough of your shity attitude, yibo! " Said zhan angrily and hold yibos both legs and said,

" Kick me, i dare you. Kick me yibo! " Said zhan and again holds yibos hand's.

Yibo - i said let go, zhan!

Zhan - why should i do as you say? Where's the arrogant brat who insulted my dad?

Yibo - let me go! Please let me go. Don't hurt me. Please. I'm sorry. Please let me go " Said yibo while crying.

" I'm just trying to help you. Calm down yibo. " Zhan got melted while seeing yibo crying and zhan touched his forhead to yibos.

" Calm down yibo, i will not hurt you i promise. " Said zhan while putting his one hand on yibos cheeks to make him feel better. Yibo put his both hand on zhans sholder.

" Are you okay? " Asked zhan in a cold voice. When yibo realized he was so close to zhan he kicked zhan and zhan fell down on the floor.

" Get off me! " Said yibo.

" What the hell is wrong with you, yibo? " Asked zhan angrily.

" I hate you! " Said yibo while tears rolling from his eye's. Zhan felt hurt in his heart. This much hatred for him, because he is a gay. Zhan felt very bad and he went outside. Zhan went to a restorent where his best friend first was waiting for him. And first noticed that zhan is angry and sad.

" What's up? I thought you didn't want to eat. Good thing that i haven't gone home yet. " Said first.

" Are you okay? " Asked first.

" I'm fine. " Said zhan in a cold voice.

" Well i ordered for you. Do you want to eat anything else? " Asked first.

" No, I will eat what you ordered. " Said zhan and started to think about yibo when yibo was crying.

" What's the matter, zhan? " Asked first

" I'm sorry first. But, i have to go. " Said zhan and went.

" What? Hey!" First was about to say but zhan went already.

" Excuse me... I want to cancel the order. " Said first to the waiter.

[ in the room ]

Yibo was dreaming about that day when he was harassed by that creepy man. He was scared. Zhan came to the room he saw yibo like this he asked,

" What's the matter, yibo? " Asked zhan and switch on the lights.

" Yibo, what's wrong? Yibo wake up. Wake up. Wake up yibo. Wake up. " Said zhan worriedly. And yibo suddenly hugged zhan first he got shock but then zhan hugged him tightly.

" It's okay, yibo. I'm here. I'm here with you. " Said zhan while calming him down. When yibo realized that he was hugging zhan so he punched him and said,

" Leave me alone! " Said yibo.

Zhan - What the hell was that? I halped wake you up!

Yibo - i didn't asked you to do it.

Zhan - it's true you didn't. But what can i do that I'm kind hearted...to help grown up man who is still afraid of his nightmares.

Yibo - I'm not afraid of nightmares. Back off if you don't know anything.

Zhan - then what are you afraid of?

Yibo - nothing! I'm not afraid of anything.

Zhan - do you expect me to believe you   you were and trembling like that? Stop being cocky!

Yibo - even if i cry myself to death, i won't ask for your help. Remember that!

Zhan - I'm sorry....for butting in. " Said zhan and went to washroom and washed his face. He was feeling pain in his heart. Yibo was also feeling hurt. Somewhere he was guilty for what he said to zhan.

[ in college ]

" Zhan! " Yeounjun called zhan.

" what happened? Woke up on the wrong side of bed? " Asked yeounjun while laughing.

Zhan- What do you want? I'm in hurry.

Yeounjun - i wanted to ask if yibo is seriously ill? Oh? You don't know he is sick?

Zhan - and how do you know that?

Yeounjun - i called him this morning, asking him to join me for breakfast. But he said he has headche. And his voice was also feeling like he is very sick. I called him just now but he didn't picked my call. That's why i asked you if he is seriously sick.

Zhan looked at his watch.

Yeounjun - oh, sorry. You have class, right? It's ok. Just go. I will go and check on him. OK see you. " Said yeounjun suddenly zhan hold his hand and said,

" Hey! You...can go back to class. I will check on him. " Said zhan.

" Didn't you say you have to hurry to class? " Asked yeounjun in a confused look.

" Ahh... Just go. This snaks is for him right? Let me take it i will give to him. So...i will go check on him and you go to class ok? See you. " Said zhan and took the snacks bag from yeounjuns hand. He went. But yeounjun was still confused and then he realized that it was his snack. [ seriously i was laughing while righting this line 😂]


[ So i tried my best in this chapter.. And sorry for waiting you sweeties actually i was busy with my college work but i hope you guys will like this chapter.. Plzzzzzz vote, comment and read my story ╥﹏╥❤️❤️❤️ ]

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