{ 𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺? }

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[ Authors pov ]

" You. "

" What's up? " Asked Zhan while smiling because he heard everything.

" I talked to yeounjun. " Said Yibo and gave the bag full of eating thinks.

" Well... I'm sorry. For being meddlesome. " Said Zhan

" Did you misspeak? Your supposed to taunt me. Just like i have been taunting you all the time. " Said Yibo.

" And what i will get from doing that? I won't leave you to die. No matter how much we hate each other, i can't sit around doing nothing. " Said Zhan.

" You make me feel like a total asshole. " Said Yibo.

You already are. " Said Zhan while laughing.

" Son of bitch, are you mocking me? " Asked Yibo angrily.

" Judging by the reaction... You are fully recovered, right? " Asked Zhan while Laghuing.

" How much? " Asked Yibo and suddenly Zhans smile gone. ( I was literally Laghuing while writing this. Zhans reaction is just so funny when his smile gone😂😂 )

" How much is the medicine? I don't want to owe you. " Said Yibo.

" You already paid. Said Zhan.

"I couldn't have paid you in my sleep. Just tell me how much. " Said Yibo.

"This. You paid me with this." Said Zhan while showing the bag full of eating things.

"This is for stealing your snack... " Yibo was going to say but stopped and thought why he said that .

"Let's just say... Next time... Don't spread foods bad again, okay? " Said Zhan.

"I didn't do it. " Said Yibo.

"Don't worry. I won't hold it against you. I will just pretend... A poor hungy dog eat them. " Said Zhan while Laghuing.

" No matter how good you are to me, i still hate you. Don't drop your gurd. Because this mad dog will bite you the first chance it gets. " Said Yibo. Zhan was smiling.

[ At night ]

Zhan came towards Yibo and started to caress his hair. Yibo was enjoying that. He didn't know if it was a dream but stil he was liking it.

[ At morning ]

" Damn, a dream? " Asked Yibo to himself while getting up suddenly.

" First you got sick... And now your going crazy? " Said Zhan.

" Crazy or not, it's non of your business. " Said Yibo angrily.

" Zhan. Last night... Did you do something to me? " Asked Yibo.

" Whatever i do... Is none of your business. I'm going to class. " Said Zhan and started to go.

" Hey. What do you mean? Hey! Don't mess with me. Hey! " Yibo was screaming and was about to fall. By the time he got to the door he was gone.

" Zhan! Zhan! Don't use my word's against me! " Shouted Yibo.

In the next room Wenhan was watching phone but suddenly his roommate Liu started to dance on kpop song. Suddenly he heard Yibos sound.

" Again? " Asked Wenhan to himself and went outside and asked,

"Zhan! Zhan! Damn you, Zhan! Come back to get a piece of my mind! " Shouted Zhan.

What the hell are you yelling for, Yibo? " Asked Wenhan.

"Wenhan, hello. " Said Yibo.

"Can you guy's stop fighting every morning? Fist, i have a kpop obsessed roommate. You hate each other, but shouldn't have sence? You can't keep shouting like this. I can't take it. " Said Wenhan angrily.

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