{ 𝗜 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ]

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[ Author's pov ]

" Excuse me, i want to talk to you both. " said Zhan to Luci and Jun.

" Yibo. You go first. I have something to talk to them." Said Zhan and went towards them

" Even you are on their side." Said Yibo to himself and went. Zhan was talking to them.


[ Zhan and Yibos room ]

Yibo was watching the phone. Suddenly Yibo asked Zhan,

" What did you say to them? " asked Yibo.

" What did i say? " asked Zhan. And Yibo showed his phone.

" Yeounjun sent me this. I can't believe it. They were blaming me like I was a murderer. But they suddenly apologized? Are they plotting something again?" Asked Yibo.

" It actually worked. " said Zhan while smiling.

" What? What did you say to those fags? " asked Yibo.

" Watch your mouth, Yibo. Haven't you had enough hard time?" Asked Zhan. Yibo got angry and held Zhans collar.

" Zhan. What did you say to them? You told them about my past, didn't you? That's why they feel sorry for me?" asked Yibo while holding his collar.

" I'm warning you. Watch your mouth. You can insult me. I don't mind. But not everyone can stand your insult's. None of this would have been happened if you would have been more calm. It's good enough they agreed to end it. They even cleared your name. And don't worry. I didn't tell them about your past." Said Zhan.

" Then what the hell did you tell them? " asked Yibo angrily.

" I told them...

" what?

" that... I like you. " said Zhan.


[ 2 Hours before at the office room]

" What do you want to talk about? " asked Luci.

" I need you... To listen to what I'm about to say. I'm gay. " Said Zhan.

" I kinda notice that. But how did you get involved with him...when he hate gays so much? Or he is fine with handsome gay's?" Asked Luci.

" No. Yibo...He hates all type of gay's. And a gay like me...has to live with a guy who hates gay's like him." Said Zhan.

" Oh, how can you live with him? Don't you two fight? " asked Jun.

" We almost cut each other's head's off. But if you try to understand him...you will know he is a good guy. Even though he acts like dumb sometimes...if you really got to know him, you will know he's a good guy. But I'm here to talk to you...not because I want you to sympathize with him. The real reason is... I like him." Said Zhan.

" OMG, you like that jerk? " asked Jun.

" Yes, i do. And i admit...i have made a move on him." Said Zhan.

" Sound's like a BL novel plot. " said Luci while getting exited.

" Maybe he hates gay's because of me. I know he doesn't like me. And yet i kept approaching him. Because i... Couldn't hold back my feeling for him. His reactions weren't this violent though. But it's because of me. That day... You touched him, didn't you?" Asked Zhan.

" Yeah, a little. But i didn't knew he would get angry. He is Yeounjuns friend. So i thought he wouldn't mind too." said Jun.

" If you hadn't touched him...the way i did...he wouldn't have insulted you. If you want to blame someone...it should be me, not him." Said Zhan.

" But... The one who insulated us...was him, not you. Why are you defending him? " asked Luci.

" But if his insult's actually meant for me... Then he didn't do anything wrong, right? Do you agree with me? That when people hate someone or something, they don't want to be near them. But you touched him...and bugged him for photo's. So how is he wrong for getting angry? And you never asked him...why he hates or scared of us. If it was your pic that got posted online...and people Start's to criticize you...without knowing the truth. How would you feel?" Asked Zhan.

" So your saying it's our fault? " asked Luci.

" I'm not blaming anyone. You probably didn't think things would come this far. And I'm sorry on Yibos behalf. Because this is all my fault, not his. I'm begging you. I'm pleading you. Right now...Yibo is suffering enough as it is. I can't stand seeing...the man i like suffering. I'm begging you. Please. " said Zhan.

" Okay, i will end this. " said Luci for feeling bad for Zhan.


[ Present time]

Yibo was looking at Zhan with an weird face.

" You look as if you don't believe me. " said Zhan.

" After all the crazy shit you have said, do you expect me to believe you? You just told them you like me and got touchy with me...and they believed you, that's it?" Asked Yibo. And Zhan nodded.

" As if that would help my situation." Said Yibo.

" My turn to ask you. Why didn't you report to the police? The guy who doesn't put up any crap like you...should want to get back at them." Said Zhan.

" Because back then...my dad filed charges. And the media found out. You might not know, but i made the front page. What was it they call me again? Everyone was suddenly all over that traumatic boy...because of a tiny article on a front page. Because of that artical... The neighbor's found out, what happened to me. I couldn't leave my house for months. Because i didn't want people to ask me..." How are you? " " you poor boy"... Poor boy my ass. If their kids have suffered like i did...they would have stopped being nosy. " said Yibo.

" That horrible experience when being chased by the media...i know it too well. It's the same this time too. If i press charges... I might get the satisfaction. Get to see them suffer for their foolishness. Then what? I will get dragged into this mess. I have had enough. I'm going crazy already. Why my life revolve around thease people's?" Said Yibo.

" Yibo. There is something i must tell you. When i told them i like you...

" What's about it?

" i mean it. " said Zhan and Yibo got shocked.

" You heard it right. I think... I like You." said Zhan and went towards the bed and took his earphones and started to listen the song. Yibo also went and slept on his bed.


[ So this chapter is also over Sweetie's... Take care Sweetie's❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ )

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