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Suresh checked his watch for the third time in as many minutes.

Late. Again.

There was something in the air today. Something... off. He felt like there was a rubber band around his chest. It wasn't uncomfortable, but he knew it was there. Anxiety? Nerves? Dread?

He sighed, brushing a piece of fluff of his new suit. She knew how important this night was to him. He would get announced as a junior partner tonight. The youngest ever at Flack & Carruthers.

And she was late.


Jade's keys jingled in the lock, and she bolted through the door. "Sorry, sorry, I know, I know. I got held up."

Suresh said nothing. Words seemed to fail him, as the rush of absolute, unbridled adoration filled his chest, just like it always did every time Jade entered a room. It overwhelmed every anxiety, every bit of nerves, every worry in his mind.

So what if they were a few minutes late?

He smiled after her, as she bolted into the bathroom, loudly reminding him what a genius she was in washing her hair that morning, so she wouldn't have to do it now. She threw on some makeup, pulled her dress on, and took her hair out of the bun it was in, her long hair falling over her shoulders. She tripped over her heels as she hopped to pull them onto her feet, and smoothed out her dress.

There she stood before him, looking like it had taken her hours instead of... he checked his watch again... eleven minutes. She beamed at him, presenting herself with a little 'ta-da!'

Suresh couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he stood to wrap his arms around her.

God, how he loved her.

Their car was already waiting for them in the street, and he held the door open for her as she stepped into it. Jade gave a sigh of relief as she flopped back into the seat, reaching for his hand.

"How was your day?" he smiled.

"Good! Good. Busy. God, I had so much to do. I had to take a long lunch to run some errands, and then, I had a package, so I had to go all the way over to–"

Jade's entire demeanour changed as her voice trailed off.

Over to her old place.

Suresh's eyelids pressed shut, as he felt the familiar knot in his stomach. That band around his chest wasn't getting any looser, either.

She'd moved in four months ago. Four. Months. But all her mail still went to her old place, to collect from the elderly lady who lived downstairs. Every time. Every single time it came up, it caused yet another fight. Another huge argument.

"What was in the package?"

"Oh, er... just... a few bits and bobs."

He brushed his fingers against her leg, but couldn't hide the hurt in his voice. "Jade... You promised."

She held up her hands defensively. "I know, I know. I just... I know."

He glanced out the window at the dark clouds that were suddenly looming overhead. A few slow sprinkles of rain misted the window, as he turned back to her.

"You know how it makes me feel."

"I know, Resh. I will. I promise."

"You said that last time," he whispered.

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