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The rest of their night in the hideaway was filled with very little sleep, and considerably more catching up on lost time. Talking about the future, about moving in together, making plans for how they'd handle the media scrutiny once they got home.

Oh, and a lot of sex.

Jade begged for it every which way, including her favourite, her legs together as he took her from behind. She tried to bury her face in the pillow as she came for that one, but his grip on her hair meant he heard every second of how good it felt.

It was after the third (or was it the fourth?) round that they finally fell asleep, completely spent, bodies aching from the incredible ecstasy of being together again. She'd felt so good, each and every time. So good that he could almost feel her as he dreamt.

Suresh stirred, realising that the sensation hadn't gone away. His cock was completely engulfed, hot and wet, with a gentle flickering underneath.. He reached down to find out what the sensation was, running his hand through the long, blonde hair attached to the cause.

He chuckled, his head flopping back onto the pillow, as he cleared his throat.

"I fucking love you, you know that? And not just because of this."

"Mmmhmm," Jade moaned, the vibrations from the back of her throat sending a jolt through his body.

She took her time with him, teasing him a little, and he loved the visual. Watching her blowing him, her mouth moving so delicately, God, she hadn't forgotten how he liked it. Slow, then fast. Slow, then fast. The rhythm, the pace, the repetition of it bringing him closer with every hit of his tip to the back of her throat. He loved every sound she made, especially the happy ones when she licked a long stripe up the underside of him. But in particular, he loved when she moaned. And boy, did she remember.

As she built him closer, his breath fell heavier, and Jade's happy little moans became deeper. More excited. She watched him as she sucked him, showing him how much she loved it, and he threaded a hand into her hair.

He lifted himself to his elbow, spreading his legs wider as she took more of him in her mouth. Her lips tightened around him, her tongue curling over the side, and he gasped.

"Oh, fuck, yes. Like that."

She held it, moving faster, taking more of him on every stroke of her head, before bringing her hands up to stroke his base.

"Yes, yes, yes," he groaned. "Fuck, baby, yes. I'm so fucking close."

The image of her was too much for him, the pressure at a tipping point, as she moaned again, holding his gaze. A brush of her fingers against his balls, a flick of her tongue, and she opened her throat, taking every fucking inch of him.

He tried to warn her, but he couldn't, the sensation of his tip in the back of her throat as she swallowed over and over rendering him incapable of speech. He cried out, and exploded, coming down her throat with such force that he was sure he'd pass out. Every nerve in his body was on fire, every inch of his skin ablaze, his grip in her hair like a vice as she held her own head in place.

Eventually, he gasped for breath, and she released him to take one of her own, before taking him in her mouth again and swirling her tongue gently around his tip. He lay back on the bed, eyes closed, completely fucking spent, stroking his fingers through her hair as she tried not to overstimulate him. With a final kiss to his tip, she pulled away, climbing up to lie in his arms.

"Morning," she whispered, and he sighed happily.

"Good morning," he smiled. "Not sure why I deserved that."

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