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Suresh awoke the next morning to the most beautiful clear sunshine he'd ever seen. The warm, butter-soft light filtered through the covered window, illuminating the room and the bodies within.

The only body missing from the room was Jade's.

His heart skipped a beat, and he slipped out of bed, hoping he'd catch her before everyone else woke up. He couldn't wait to tease her about last night, to lean in close to flirt with her, and ask how she slept, to...

She was out at the gym, furiously doing situps with a face like unbridled fire. Her body covered in a thick sheen of sweat, her hair haphazardly tied back, hands damn near clenched into fists as she glared her way through her set.

Well, she couldn't be mad at him . So what had Alfie done now?

He swaggered down toward her, a cocky smirk on his face, right as she finished her set. She flopped onto her back, her eyes closed, and he leaned over the top of her.

"Morning," he grinned.

Her eyes snapped open, the annoyed frown taking him by surprise.

"Good Morning, Suresh," she glared. "How's Arlo?"

"Not sure; she's not awake yet. Probably pretty exhausted..." he smirked. "How's Alfie?"

"Out like a light, haven't heard from him since," Jade said, curtly.

"Not surprised, solid effort from him last night, a real 4 out of 10 performance."

She frowned. "Whatever. I had a great time, so it doesn't matter what you think."

He chuckled in response, continuing to look down at her. "Come on, you had an average time at best. Now Arlo, she had a great time."

Jade rolled her eyes at him. "Are you still doing this? Honestly, Suresh, get over yourself."

"It was just an observation."

"Next time, keep your observations to yourself."

"Could say the same to you..." he teased. "But then Alfie would've really struggled."

Jade got to her feet, and turned to face him. "Are you done?"

He took a step closer, grinning like mad. "Forgive me if I'm a little cocky after my ex-girlfriend almost said my n–"

"-- No," she seethed, interrupting him with a warning glare. "Whatever you thought you heard, you're wrong."

He raised his eyebrows and shot her a disbelieving look. In response, she shook her head, and walked off.

"Woah, woah," he pleaded, his hand on her waist. She pushed him away, and stormed back into the villa. He jogged after her, but she just kept walking. He took a few steps, ending in front of her, and stood in her way.

"Jade, what's wrong?"

But she said nothing. He frowned and continued trying to stop her as she walked into the showers.

"Jade," he cooed. "Come on, what'd I do?"

She turned on her heel, and stepped into the shower, turning on the water.

"Get in," she spat. But at the look on his face, she rolled her eyes again. "Clothed."

She glanced pointedly at his microphone. He pulled it over his head, leaving it on the bathroom counter as she did the same, pulling him by the hand into the stall with her.

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