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Arlo's goodbye was more dramatic than expected, with her practically trying to fight any of the girls who came near her. He didn't get a chance to talk to her, but she hugged him as she left, whispering in his ear that she'd love to grab a beer with him and Jade when they got out.

He smiled, hugging her tightly, having only the chance to whisper ' thank you' , before she was gone.

The mood in the villa was chilly, as the others ran the numbers in their heads. Only Suresh and Lulu, and Finn and Kat had received no votes. Meaning that Alfie, Meera, Johnny, Jade, Dana and Gabi had all been voted for. Suspicion and accusations were flying, until Finn suggested a game to help everyone chill out.

A relieved cheer went up as Lulu suggested ' Never Have I Ever' , and Kat fetched a heap of alcohol, encouraged by the producers. Jade poured out nine drinks, flipping the kettle on for Suresh, and he nodded at her appreciatively as he pulled his tea from the cupboard.

"You don't drink?" Johnny pointed to his mug.

Suresh shook his head.

"Religious thing?"

He laughed, shaking his head again. "Sober thing."

Johnny rolled his eyes, as the ten remaining islanders made their way down to the pool.

Lulu cleared her throat. "Alright, I'm starting," she smirked.

"Make it steamy!" Kat insisted.

"Oh don't you worry, babe, this one's straight off my bucket list. Never have I ever... hooked up in a public place."

Suresh drank, as did Jade, Johnny, Gabi, and Alfie.

Jade watched Alfie drink, before snorting as she burst out laughing. "Is this the cow story?"

Alfie laughed, nodding enthusiastically, as Meera eyed him furiously. "You haven't told me the cow story?"

He reassured her, promising to tell her later, as the rest of them pressed for details. Suresh and Jade just glanced at each other, shaking their heads. There were way, way too many stories to tell. Jade had a thing for being sneaky in public. In a restaurant, on the plane, against the back wall of a bar, at the movies, in the back of both of their cars, in the elevator of their building... God. They'd even done it at the gym sauna once.

Finn cleared his throat. "Never have I ever sent a nude."

"Bullshit," Alfie laughed. "I bet you have."

Finn shook his head. "Nope, never."

Suresh sighed, and drank again, as did Jade, Gabi, Kat, Dana, Lulu, and Alfie. Meera, Johnny and Finn looked around at the others, shocked.

"All of you? Really? Suresh - must say, I'm surprised," Johnny mused.

He chuckled. "I mean... if she asks for one, what am I going to do, say no?"

Jade went bright red, and Lulu elbowed her, giggling furiously.

"Go on then, Johnny, you go next."

He thought for a moment, before his lips curled into a somewhat evil smile.

"Never have I ever cheated on anyone."

Suresh glared at him, sighing loudly, as he took a drink. Finn and Kat both joined him.

Jade chuckled, watching him intently. "Have you had to drink for everything so far?"

He nodded. "See, this is why I don't drink. One too many bad games of Never have I ever."

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