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Eddie slammed every door in the villa as he packed his stuff, with the others hiding from his wrath downstairs. Meera had plonked herself in Alfie's lap, both of them stealing annoyed glares at Jade. Gabi and Dana were cuddled up together on the couch, with Dana looking far more into it than Gabi. Johnny had his arm uncomfortably draped around Jade, who looked like she'd rather be literally anywhere else. Pete looked like he was trying to talk dirty to Arlo, and failing miserably, as she looked like she was about to fall asleep instead.

The only ones who looked remotely normal were he and Lulu, sitting a perfectly comfortable distance from each other as they watched the others.

"D'you think he's done packing yet?" she whispered.

Suresh listened for a moment, before hearing yet another long line of expletives so crass they could only have been learned at an all-boys' boarding school.

"Not yet," he grimaced.

Nicolas was inspecting his fingernails, having barely unpacked as it was, waiting patiently for Eddie to be done. Finally, a suitcase came flying down the stairs, as Eddie came stomping down after it.

"Alright. I'm done. Bye, all of you. Thanks for nothing. "

The other islanders got to their feet to see him off, but he glared.

"Don't bother. There's only one of you I need a last word with." He turned his body, pointing directly at Jade. " Jade . We need to chat."

His voice was demanding and far too loud, startling her a little, but she got to her feet and followed him upstairs to the roof terrace. Suresh looked after her with concern, but shook his head. The camera crew weren't missing a second of whatever it was. She was safe.

"Actually..." Gabi said... "Suresh, probably a good time for us to catch up too."

He tried to decline, but she got to her feet, holding her hand out for him to take. She was not taking 'no' for an answer. He sighed, and took her hand, rising to his feet as she moved her hand to his wrist. Her grip was tight, her nails like knives as they dug into his skin.

This was not going to be pleasant.


Gabi dragged him down to the pool, but he heard another set of footsteps behind him. Gabi must've heard it too, as she turned, glaring when she discovered that Lulu was following them.

"This is a private chat, babe," Gabi sneered. "So if you don't mind?"

Lulu smiled. "Thanks, but I do mind. I'll be making sure things don't get too out of hand."

Gabi rolled her eyes, as Suresh smiled, surprised, at Lulu.

"Thanks," he whispered, as Gabi pushed him down onto a lounger, and sat opposite him.

"Are you sure you can't leave us alone?" Gabi smiled politely at Lulu.

"Certain," Lulu smiled just as sweetly back.

Gabi rolled her eyes once more, shaking her head disapprovingly. "Alright, fine. But this might get awkward."

"Awkward's my middle name!" Lulu grinned, and Suresh laughed.

Gabi glared at her, but turned her attention to Suresh.

"Must say, I thought you were going to be more surprised to see me."

Suresh nodded, as he explained the postcard, telling her about the October birthday... as well as the look on Jade's face. She looked a little annoyed that the postcard had stolen her thunder, but shook it off. She clearly had more important things to grill him about.

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