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Almost like some unfunny joke, their challenge for the day was a lifeguard one. The producers had clearly intended for it to be in the pool, but after the morning's events, they had switched it to a paddling pool at the last moment. Jade seemed subdued, probably a little embarrassed by this morning. Suresh noticed her avoiding most of the others' gazes, deflecting their pity and overt patience.

Alfie, more than anyone, had been following Jade around all morning, begging for her forgiveness over and over despite her curtly telling him it was fine. Repeatedly . Suresh watched as Alfie dug himself deeper into the hole, smothering Jade with affection and service, bringing her tea, and water, and rubbing her feet. He almost laughed.

Jade hated to be smothered.

The only thing she hated more than being smothered with affection was mansplaining. And possibly being cheated on.


Alfie had both of his arms around her waist, but she looked up at Suresh. He furrowed his brow ever so slightly, silently asking if she was okay, and she responded with a slow blink and a subtle nod of the head.

That was all she needed.

Ever since he'd pulled her from the pool, she'd been looking at him a little differently. More calmly, somehow. He wasn't sure what it was, but she seemed less... hesitant around him. He held her gaze, and mouthed something he knew would cheer her up.

"You're gonna lose."

There was a flash of fire in her eyes, as a small smile tugged at her face.

"I don't think so," she whispered back.

Never, not in a foot race, not in decorating a gingerbread house, and definitely not in a game, could Jade handle losing. It was one of the things he loved most about her. Chill, relaxed, carefree Jade - not a care in the world, friendly and charming to everyone she meets. But tell her it was a competition, and she turned into a demon, eyes laser-focused on whatever prize or glory there was to win.

Unfortunately for her, though, he was just as competitive as she was.

He went before her, snogging Arlo hard at the end of the course, prompting a glare from her when she realised she'd have to snog Alfie, even though she was still miffed with him. But she did it, her hands wrapped around his neck, pressing her body so closely to Alfie's that he had to adjust his shorts afterwards.

Suresh and Jade both frowned when they realised there were two prizes, so neither of them had won over the other.

Until they realised the prize was a double date, and they glared daringly at each other again.


The competition lasted well into the afternoon, silently competing over everything. Who would make it up the stairs faster (him), who got to the fridge first (her), who nabbed the last sun lounger (her).

But he knew precisely how to shut her up.

He took it from its hanger, unbuttoned it, and slipped it on, the fabric cool against his arms. His fingers nimbly closed the buttons, he cuffed the sleeves, and Eddie gave a deep whistle.

"Damn, Suresh. Looking good, man."

Finn and Alfie's heads turned, and Finn's eyebrows shot up. "That's a nice shirt, man."

"Thanks," Suresh smirked. "It was a gift."

He glanced at Alfie, whose eyes flashed in a minor panic. "Who from?"

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