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Teeth brushed and properly dressed, the islanders made their way to the challenge platform. Suresh jogged up to Lulu, pulling her into a hug, as he whispered into her ear.

"Gabi cornered me last night. She's using Dana, and Dana's figured it out. Shoot your shot."

He stepped back, and Lulu's face lit up like a Christmas tree, beaming at him, and biting her lip with anticipation as he made his way to the guys' side of the platform.

There were two tables, one full of huge pie crusts full of whipped cream, and one with a row of small boxes, each containing a gaudy plastic ring. Johnny stood at the top of the platform, glaring conspiratorially at Jade.

"Now that we're all here, I'll get the game started."

He walked up and down the row of girls, before stepping to Kat, pulling her in for a passionate snog. She squealed, and enthusiastically returned the kiss, prompting a disapproving look from Finn.

Johnny smirked, making his way back for a ring, and marched all the way down the line... before stopping in front of Meera.

"Meera, you're beautiful, honest, and you're so real . Will you do me the honour?"

She giggled, and held out her hand, Johnny slipping the brightly coloured plastic ring onto her left hand. He got to his feet, and returned to the table, picking up a pie, as he walked to stand in front of Jade.

"We were supposed to be partners, Jade, in more ways than one. But... I guess you've shown your true colours. I feel sorry for whoever you couple up with next."

He smashed the pie straight into Jade's face, way, way too passionately. Jade took it like a champion, not even flinching as she slowly wiped the cream from her eyes. She frowned, but Johnny just looked smug, returning to his position on the other side of the platform to a smattering of understanding nods. Suresh subtly raised a fist, as well as his eyebrows, as he jokingly and silently asked Jade if she wanted him to hit him. She smiled, and rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

The girls' turn was next, and Kat jumped in, snogging Johnny right back, before getting down on one knee in front of Finn. She collected her pie from the table, but instead of walking over to the boys side... she also pied Jade.

Suresh frowned, but Jade shook her head, telling him again to leave it.

Alfie was next. He snogged Lulu, married Meera... and pied Jade.

Meera snogged Johnny, married Alfie... and pied Jade.

It turned into a free-for-all, Gabi insisting on going next. She snogged Dana, proposed to him ... and pied Jade.

Suresh opened his mouth to say something, but Jade shot him a look, and he pursed his lips. She'd asked him not to intervene on her behalf, and as much as it made his blood boil... he had to respect it.

The first break came when Dana took her turn. She walked straight up to Suresh, and kissed him lightly on the lips, before returning to collect her ring. She got down on one knee in front of Lulu, who enthusiastically accepted.

And then Dana collected her pie.

Suresh watched as she walked toward Jade, and he couldn't fucking believe it. Was she seriously about to get her sixth pie in a row?

But Dana winked at her, walking straight past her...

And pied Gabi.

He couldn't help but smirk as Gabi squealed. "Babe, what? "

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