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Suresh knocked at the changeroom door, and an awkward-looking Kat opened it. Her eyes widened when she saw him, and he smiled expectantly at her.

"Hey... uh... is Jade in here?"

A heavy sigh came from behind the door, and Jade's voice called back. "What do you want, Suresh?"

"Can I steal you for a sec?"

"Someone got some grovelling to do after last night?" Kat teased, prompting a scowl from Suresh.

Jade shot Kat an appreciative smile, as she silently marched past Suresh, and headed downstairs. He rolled his eyes, and followed her, clenching and unclenching his hands with nerves.

Jade plonked herself down on a daybed, folding her arms in front of her chest expectantly.

"What?" she frowned.

"You're looking gorgeous in that outfit, by the way. Your eyes always look amazing when you're in white."

Jade' beautiful eyes rolled, as she sighed. "Say what you've got to say, Suresh."

"I...," he sighed. "Things got... out of hand yesterday."

"Whose fault is that?" she spat.

Suresh frowned. "Yours, actually. I tried to explain, and you wouldn't give me a chance."

Jade's mouth fell open. "I'm giving you a chance now, so explain."

He looked over his shoulder. They were alone. He reached for her mic pack, and flicked the off switch, and did the same for his own. Jade's eyes widened, but he leaned in.

"The flirting with the waitress was innocent, Jade, I promise you. There was shit going on with all the partners at work, and I was present, but not participating. I can't say on here because ITV are a client. You have to trust me."

"Why in the fuck would I do that?" Jade asked, incredulous.

"Oi!" A producer yelled, tearing around the corner. "The fuck do you think you're playing at? Mics back on, and repeat that conversation right now. "

Suresh switched both of their mics back on, and the producer raised a warning finger at them. "You try that shit again, and you're out. You hear? That's immediate breach of contract."

"Love to see you explain that one, mate, considering I'm here as a favour to the network execs?"

The producer glared at him, and stormed off, as Jade turned to him. "Are you?"

Suresh sighed. "Yeah. Long story. They needed a fill-in, and I found out you were here, and—."

"Conversation, please!" the producer yelled.

Jade rolled her eyes, repeating the last thing she said before he switched off their mics. "I'm giving you a chance now, so explain."

Suresh nodded. "I'm sorry, Jade. I'm sorry I flirted with the waitress, and I'm sorry I never told you at the time that it was happening. The same with all the other girls I 'turned down'. I can't give you specifics right now, but with my entire heart, I promise you, it meant nothing."

"You can promise me all you want, Suresh. Your word is worthless to me. How am I supposed to trust you after all of this?"

"Because I've learned from my mistakes. And I'm not going to stop until you feel like you can trust me again."

Jade was staring at her feet again, so he sat down next to her on the daybed, giving her enough space that she wouldn't feel the need to move away from him again.

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