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After a long day of meeting the family, they were each sent on their final dates. The picnic was underwhelming, but the company was unbelievable, and Suresh and Jade ended it on their backs once again.

His arm under her as they looked up at the stars.

The urge to give her the ring was overwhelming, but he knew he had to wait. So all he could do was look at her, dreamy-eyed, a secret shared between the two of them, knowing that no one in the world felt the way they did at that moment.

Once they'd returned to the villa, they'd showered together, a sneaky quickie with his hand over her mouth so the others wouldn't hear. She'd stepped out of the shower looking more dishevelled than when she walked in, half dazed as he made her come twice in under ten minutes. Suresh settled into bed with Jade, brushing her hair out of her face as she cuddled up to him.

There were enough beds for them to have a space between each couple now, but even so, Lulu lay on her side, facing he and Jade.

"I can't get over you guys. I'm so melty just looking at you."

Dana slipped into bed next to her, wrapping her arms around her. "Feeling romantic, are you? I can think of a good use for that."

Kat sighed loudly from the other side of the room. "I can't believe there are only six of us left. It was so quiet last night with you guys in the hideaway."

"No it wasn't," Dana scoffed, frowning. "Thanks to you two."

Jade chuckled. "Were they louder than normal?"

"It's like they forgot we were here."

"We did," Finn laughed. "Or at least, I've never complained about having an audience."

"Neither," Kat grinned. "That's why we're so perfect together."

Finn smiled down at her, for the first time not glancing over at Jade. "Too right, baby."

Suresh and Jade exchanged glances, but the lights suddenly went out, so they shuffled down underneath the covers.

"Still nervous about sharing a bed with me?" She chuckled.

"Nope," He smiled, "Because now, I can just..." He kissed her, and she sighed happily.

"You can do that whenever you want, babe." She lowered her voice, whispering in his ear. "Forever."

He pulled her into a tight hug, kissing her head. "God, I can't wait to tell our families."

"Oh, speaking of. What did David say to you?"

"Just grilled me a bit. Told me my word meant nothing to him, that he thinks you taking me back is a huge mistake, and that he wants to make sure I'm committing to you in action and not just in words. You know, the usual."

She snickered. "And you didn't tell him you'd literally proposed?"

He shook his head. "I told you I wouldn't. He can find out once we get home. After I take my punishment from the rest of your family. Let them get it out of their systems before we tell them."

She laughed, and kissed him again. "Oh, look at you, such a martyr. How good of you to let my family rip you to shreds, like they've been wanting to for a year."

Suresh sighed. "I know, I know. Honestly, though, if it was my daughter, I would've hunted the guy down already."

Jade snuggled into him, kissing his chest lightly, and he could feel her smile against his skin. "Well, maybe one day it will be. Good thing you're a lawyer. We'll probably need one if I get to him first."

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