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The morning after, and they speed dated all of the girls. Hannah was... terrifyingly smitten. Meera was, quite obviously, all guns blazing for Alfie, and had very little to say to Suresh as they sat in awkward silence. The third girl, Heidi, was German, and was basically the female version of Finn. She owned a craft brewery in Munich. She asked him what kind of beer he liked, and when he told her he was sober, she rolled her eyes and called him a killjoy. He couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head at how much trouble Finn was in with her.

Suresh almost laughed when he pictured himself from a few years ago, locked in an island paradise with four beautiful women, and looking like someone had kicked his dog. After sulking by the pool for a few hours, calmly chatting to Lulu and getting up to absolutely no mischief, Alfie got a text to inform them of a challenge.

He didn't like the sound of Raunchy Races , and a jitter of nerves flushed through his stomach as he hoped he wouldn't have to do anything too incriminating. He paused for a second, and chuckled.

A sniff of a chance with Jade, and he suddenly wouldn't go within five feet of another girl?

He smiled to himself. God, he was down so bad for her.

The eight of them lined up on the challenge platform, the girls chattering excitedly. Suresh felt his phone vibrate and they silenced immediately as he cleared his throat.

Islanders, in today's challenge you will be competing against the main villa. You will receive identical instructions. Whoever completes the challenge first will win a point. The villa with the most points at the end will be rewarded with a party tonight

An excited murmur went around the group, as Meera's phone chimed first. She glanced down at it, and looked disappointed as she read it out.

'The boy whose name comes first must snog every girl.'

Alfie laughed, and immediately went to Meera, snogging her with a kind of comfort that frankly, pissed Suresh off a little. Was that where they'd gone last night? Had Alfie hooked up with Meera the same day he'd messed around with Kat, and less than a day after fucking Jade? He moved through the rest of the girls, one after the other, each of them giggling as Alfie kissed them with zero hesitation. Meera pouted, but after Alfie had snogged Lulu, he walked back past her, kissing her on the cheek before retaking his position. She cheered up instantly, glancing smugly at the other girls.

Her phone chimed again, and she squealed with excitement.

Casa wins!

The others cheered, and Suresh smiled to himself, before his phone buzzed in his pocket.

'The tallest boy must snog the shortest girl.'

Finn frowned, hesitating for a moment. "That'd be Kat, right?"

"Yeah, but it's also you mate!" Alfie pushed him toward the other girls, with Hannah suddenly looking up at him excitedly.

But before he could do anything about it, Suresh's phone chimed again.

"Villa wins!"

"Jaysus," Finn muttered to himself. "Nice of you to hesitate, babe ."

"You're not mad about... you know. Alfie?" Eddie questioned.

Finn laughed, "Nah, I'm over it."

Eddi chuckled. "Wouldn't have anything to do with you and Heidi last n–"

Finn silenced him with a single look, and Eddie smiled to himself, as Suresh looked at Finn, surprised.

"Come on, can we have the next question?" Finn scoffed, to no one in particular.

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