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A/N: Things are going to go a little bit out of order here, and I'm moving a little away from Canon. Honestly, this whole fic is meant to be explaining his actions... but there are some things even I can't justify. So anyway, just go with it.

Suresh had hoped for a relaxing day after the drama from the previous day. Johnny had kept Jade far, far away from him, much to his annoyance, but he relished in the quiet as everyone else seemed to be avoiding him as well.

Lulu acted as his bodyguard, distracting Gabi every time she tried to talk to him, but she quickly lost focus; screaming as she read the text she'd received. The others came running from every direction, as she held the phone to her chest, jumping up and down excitedly.

"What is it?" Jade squealed.

Kat jumped up and down behind Jade. "Come on, tell us!"

"Okay, okay, are you ready?"

'Islanders, get ready to whip out your sexiest moves. Tonight, you will get each other's hearts racing in a boys vs girls challenge. #ShakeItBaby #HeartRatesDon'tLie'

The girls erupted into screams, as the boys seemed to groan in unison, as they made their way up to the villa.


Suresh flipped through the rack of costumes. Pilot, Chef, Firefighter... he sighed. Pete snatched the cowboy outfit, Finn nabbed the Batman costume, and Alfie jumped at the opportunity to be a builder, but Suresh thought he looked a little more like a minion.

Johnny took a revealing toga and headdress, clearly going for a Caesar vibe, as Finn came over to help.

"Not sure what to go with?"

Suresh nodded. "For once, I'm at a loss for what to wear."

"Well I'm not," Finn laughed, pulling a costume right from the end of the rack. "Given your reputation in the villa, I think this is appropriate?"

The other guys turned, and he couldn't help but join in as they burst out laughing. A pair of bright red shorts, a headband with red horns, and a chest strap, attached to two large, red devil wings.

He had to manoeuvre a few things to fit into the shorts properly, but he eventually got into them, laughing and shaking his head as he looked in the mirror.

Charlie was going to see him in this. His cousins, his mates, oh god, his Ammama.

He had to laugh, otherwise, he'd chicken out.

Back straight, shoulders wide, chin up, chest open.

He pulled the wings on, adjusting the straps to fit the width of his shoulders and chest, and stepped back out into the changerooms, as the other guys cracked up laughing.

"Oh God, I can't believe we're doing this," Alfie said, adjusting his own entirely inappropriate shorts. "The lads in the workshop are printing out a poster of this, for sure ."

"Same," Finn groaned. "God, when we watch this season back, I'm skipping this episode."

Suresh smiled. "Fake it 'til you make it, boys."

"How?" Pete asked, looking unsure for the first time in his life. "This is so much easier for the girls. They're not gonna look like tryhards, they're just gonna look... hot."

"Don't forget, they're thinking the same thing," Suresh smirked. "They just want you to grind on them a bit. Lift them up, do a couple of body rolls, lay her down and act like you know exactly what you're doing. You'll only look awkward if you're holding back. If you convince yourself you're having a great time, you'll look much more natural."

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