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*Billie's POV*

"I said, 'are you going to explain'?"
"Explain what?"
Tré scoffed, "don't play dumb with me, what do you think?"
"I don't know..."
"You do know, you know damn well what I'm talking about, in fact, you know better than anyone what I'm talking about!"
"Tré, it was nothing and I'm not really comfortable talking about it... can't we just forget it and drink our beer?"
"Fine" Tré shrugged.
"You're... dropping it? Just like that?"
"Sure. You said it was nothing so it's fine... isn't it?"
"Yeah, yeah of course it is."
He smiled and drank more from his can.
"Thanks, man."
"No problem, what are friends for?"

Mike joined us downstairs twenty minutes later and we set up the drinks in the kitchen. We had our own little drinking game that we always played which was basically like a quiz-questions about bands and stuff-and whenever someone gets a wrong answer, they drink. It was a stupid game really, but it kept us busy for an hour or so.

It was around 12 when we had finished the bottle of vodka and 10 cans of beer between us. Most of the vodka was drunk by Mike... god he was awful at trivia... so Tré and I helped him to his room.
We dropped him on his mattress and watch him snuggle into his duvet before falling asleep.
"Jeez, we're gonna have trouble with him in the morning..." I chuckled and Tré smirked at me from the other side of the bed.
"I'm gonna watch a film, you wanna join?" He asked, leaving the room with me.
"Sure, but no more fucking horrors, I'm sick to death of all the shitty jump scares..."
We returned downstairs and to the living room where we sat in front of our flat screen TV. Tré flicked a button on the remote and a documentary on chimps came on.
"Hey, Mike! You're on the TV!" Tré called upstairs, grinning from ear to ear.
"Hey! Keep it down! You wanna wake him up?"
"Why don't you want him to wake up? Want to spend some alone time with you're buddy, Tré?" He raised his eyebrow suggestively before laughing and I rolled my eyes.
"As if, I just don't want to deal with him telling us how much he loves us and puking everywhere..."
"Relax, I'm just messing with you, want do you want on?"
"I don't care, I just wanna make sure I'm in bed before 3; I'm supposed to be getting my hair cut tomorrow."
Tré got up and put on a film. The opening scene was at a racetrack and I hadn't seen it before, but when I asked what it was he wouldn't tell me.
"Where's the fun in that? Just watch it and guess." His mouth stretched into a wonky smile and he settled down next to me.

Half way through the film, which I was finding excruciatingly boring, Tré shuffled down to lay on his back, leaning against me and picking up a pillow to grasp against his chest. He always did that when he was tired and I paused the film.
"You wanna go to bed?"
"You'll have to get me a few more beers for that" he chuckled quietly. "I'm fine, just carry on. If I fall asleep, I fall asleep."
I scowled to myself... I was hoping to turn this crap off!

After a few more minutes I felt Tré's head become heavy and his breathing deepened. I looked down at him; he looked so peaceful and delicate. I stroked his hair, gently flattening a few strands of the spiky green that were out of place. I just wanted to... wait what? What am I doing? I blinked and remained focused on him. I felt... happy... Have I really had that much to drink?
The feeling of joy seemed to fill my chest and I just wanted to hug him. my mind started to wander and I thought about what it would be like to be more than Tré's friend... I must have been pissed...
I stroked his hair again, this time more of a full sweep from front to back rather than just tidying the ends.
He stirred and looked up at me through half closed eyes.
"What are you doing?" He yawned. "You know the film has finished, right?"
I didn't know that... I looked up at the screen to see the credits finishing and realised how odd it must have been to wake up with me staring at him...
"Yeah, I... I just didn't want to wake you..."
Tré sat up and faced me, "Bill, what's up?"
"Nothings up, what do you mean?"
"You've been acting weird all night... ever since, well you know..."
Tré had concern in his beautiful blue eyes which was making them glisten in the dim light. It might have been the alcohol in my system or just the way that Tré was looking at me, but I lurched forward and kissed him hard. He reacted with a startled yelp, but waited patiently for me to pull away.

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