Want to Find Out?

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*Tré's POV*

After an eternity, Billie mumbled "I'm sorry... alright? I didn't mean to cause trouble."
"Then what did you mean to do?" I turned to him.
"To be honest I don't know."
"Do you like me?"
"I don't know that either. Do you... like me?
I was going to straight up say no but there was part of me that thought that maybe I could... "I dunno..."
"...Do you want to find out?"

"What?" I almost shouted, scared of what he might be suggesting.
"Come on, don't make me say it again... It was hard enough the first time..." he scratched the back of his neck.
"What do you mean 'find out'?"
Billie moved along the sofa until he was dangerously close to me. "w-what are you doing?" I stumbled over my words as I tried to calm down.
"Just... trust me, okay?" He moved towards me and... oh god, he was going to kiss me... what do I do? Stay or run? Should I move?
"just relax, okay?" He spoke softly.
"Uh, okay..." I nodded, I just wanted this to be over...
He kissed me softly and I felt an urge to move away, but as we carried on the impulse went and we were soon moving our lips freely. That was, until I remembered what was going on.
I freaked out and snapped my head back,
"I'm sorry, I just don't think I can do this" moved back further and hugged my knees. "I'm just so... I... I don't know what I want..."
"Did you enjoy it?" He asked, making me cringe a little. "Jeez, way to make it 100 times more embarrassing..."
"Did you though?"
I though about it and realised that I did. "I guess."
"Then what's the problem?"
I felt angry. He didn't get it! "Are you gay, Billie?"
He cocked his head like a confused puppy, "I'm bi, you know that."
"Yes, but that's the thing, I don't think I am."
"You don't think? You usually know for sure if you like men or women, Tré... its whether or not you wanna admit that you do."
I knew deep down he was right, and on some level I guess I had always loved Billie... We had been friends for a long time, after all... "I dunno..."
"It's fine, we don't have to do this... It was just an idea, that's all."
"An idea? What idea?"
He flattened his hair, "I don't know why but... In the kitchen earlier... I kinda realised that I... I think I have feelings for you Tré..."
As his friend I wouldn't have dismissed this anyway, but because of what was going on inside my head right now it made me feel even more for him.
"Bill, we've both had a lot to drink and-"
"-Tré, do you like me?"
"I just think that-"
"-Tré! It's a simple fucking question, now answer me!"
"I... I don't know..."

*Billie's POV*

I sighed. He wasn't going to admit it yet if he did... It was a lot to ask of him right now. I knew he was going through something at the moment, I didn't know what, but something.
"Okay, I'm sorry... just think about it, yeah? I'm going to bed, but if you want to talk then you know where I am. Don't be afraid to wake me up." I got up from the sofa but Tré didn't even make eye contact-he just stared at the wall behind me. I went to my room and got out of my clothes and crawled under the duvet. I couldn't stop thinking about Tré... I hoped I hadn't just ruined our friendship... oh god, what had I done?

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