Asking Mike

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*Mike's POV*

I heard angry footsteps leading up to my door and then a fist pounded on it. "Open up." Tré thundered from outside. I wasn't sure I wanted to open it, he sounded pissed...
I hadn't realised that they were actually a couple, I thought it had been some random thing that they had done when they were drunk, Billie had told me that he wasn't sure what was going on, so what was the big deal? I walked to my door and unbolted it, letting Tré storm in.
"Did you kiss Billie or did he kiss you?"
I stammered, looking from Tré to Billie.
"Don't look at him; look at me. Did you kiss him or not?" Tré looked furious but his voice was desperate. It made me feel sorry for him.
"I kissed him..."
"Why? If you knew we were together then why would you do that?"
"I... Billie said that he didn't know what was going on with you two yet and if it was anything serious, so I thought... I don't know... I wasn't thinking."
Tré blinked and he had a pained look in his eyes. He turned round to look at Billie, "so you didn't think there was anything between us?"
Billie struggled to speak, stumbling over his words and looking from me to Tré. "I didn't know what was happening, I mean I didn't know how you felt... well I still don't, and-"
Mike perked up, "-But you said that-"
"Just shut up, both of you!" Tré snapped, putting his fingers to his temples. "I can't deal with this right now!" He went back to his room and Billie glanced at me before trotting to catch him up.
I went to shut my door and then sat back on my bed. I hadn't meant to cause trouble but I had to tell Billie that there was always a door open for him here... at least he knows that now.

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