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*Tré's POV*

I sat on my bed, looking at myself in the mirror on my wall and plucking at the untidy strands of hair that were jutting out all over my head. He hadn't even done a good job at getting all the green out!
There was a knock at my door and Billie came in without me saying anything.
"Hey, I'm sorry about your hair. We'll go to the hairdresser first thing tomorrow."
"What about Mike?"
Billie sighed and sat on my bed. "He knows."
I felt my face heat up, "what?"
"He knows about us, I-"
"You told him? I thought it was gonna be just me and you for a while and not get anyone else involved?"
"Slow down," he rested his hand on my knee, "he saw us in the car and asked me about it, I couldn't really say there's nothing going on, could I?"
I shook my head and looked in the other direction. I didn't want Mike knowing.
"He's fine with it, Tré, he thinks it's great."
"I highly doubt that." I mumbled.
"I'm serious, he doesn't care."
I looked at him and he smiled at me, melting away the anger that was freezing my insides. "Now let's go downstairs and talk about it with him, okay?"
He kissed me before standing up and offering his hand to help me off the bed. I took it and followed him downstairs.

We found Mike in the kitchen and Billie picked up a can of beer that was already on the table. Mike offered me one but I declined. I was already feeling sick, I didn't need anything else to make my stomach churn...
"I've told him." Billie said simply as he leaned against the table, sipping from the can.
"Great, so you both know that I'm okay with it now. And Tré, if you don't want to tell me what's wrong then you don't have to. It's up to you."
I shot Billie a look, thinking that he had told Mike something about our private conversation, but when he looked back at me innocently I realised that I had just dropped myself in it.
"Ah." Mike smiled hollowly, "you told him already."
"Mike-" I began to try and explain but he cut me off with a wave of his hand.
"Don't worry, I'm fine with it. You don't have to tell me everything and if you think I can't help with it then that's fair enough, just don't shut me out completely, okay?"
He left the room. I could tell that I'd upset him and I looked at Billie who was equally as concerned as I was.
"Fuck. Thanks for that..." Billie rubbed his face.
"What? He's pissed with me, not you." I said defensively.
"Yeah, but I didn't tell him that you'd said anything so now I'm in the shit too."
"I'm sorry" I stroked my ragged hair, "I didn't mean to."
"I know," he sighed and got up to follow Mike. He left me in the kitchen on my own feeling like a tool. I guess I only had myself to blame...

I sighed, I had to make it right again. I went to follow them both, maybe I should tell Mike... would that make it better?
I opened the door and saw Billie in Mike's arms... They were kissing... I felt my stomach lurch and backed away from them, into the kitchen and against the wall where I slid down and fell to the floor. I sat with my arms around my waist and my blurred gaze on the floor.
"Tré, I can explain!" Billie burst through the door and I saw Mike walking away. I didn't want him to explain, what could he possibly tell me that would be a genuine reason for kissing another band member? I'd rather him just not say anything than lie to me. I clutched at my stomach, feeling it churn and wishing that I could just melt away.

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