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*Tré's POV*

I sat in my room alone with the lights off.
Oh god, he kissed me... He actually kissed me... I ran my tongue across my bottom lip. I could still taste him, still feel the warmth of his lips on mine... I shouldn't have stopped... I should have just shut up and not said anything...
I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling.
What had I got myself into?
I closed my eyes and tried to block out the regret that was trying to swarm my body.

The morning rays crept through the curtains and warmed a line on by back.
I rolled to face the window and squinted at the light, groaning as my head pounded.
I shouldn't have had anything to drink last night... I wondered how Billie and Mike were...
I almost fell out of bed and trudged to the bathroom where I cleaned my teeth. I then went downstairs in my boxers to make a coffee.
Billie was already in there when I opened the door with coffee of his own and his head dropped when he saw me.
"Hey, you alright?" I asked, confused by his reaction to seeing me.
He looked up, his eyebrows bowing down and forming a confused frown. "Yeah... are you alright?"
"Of course, other than a fucking hangover, why wouldn't I be?"
"I just... I thought you'd be upset with me..."
"What? Why would I be up-" a memory of Billie's face inches to mine threw me back to last night, slapped me in the face and dropped me back to reality. "Oh shit"
"Yeah... oh shit..." he sighed, "listen, I don't want this to ruin our friendship, Tré... I just want things to go back to normal and we can forget this ever happened... okay?"
"okay" I said, dazed.
"So everything's alright? We're still friends?"
That was a stupid question and I couldn't help let a smile slip to my lips. "Yeah, of course we are, Bill."
He smiled at the floor and returned to his coffee, so I went back upstairs to collapse on my bed again. FUCK.

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