Alone Time

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*Tré's POV*

The next day I felt like a complete dick until I saw Billie again. Why couldn't I just let myself go and let him do what he wanted?
There was no doubt in my mind that the next time our eyes met it would be an awkward glance and then an even more awkward silence.
I slid from my bed and nervously crept downstairs.
Mike and Billie were sitting at the kitchen table talking about ideas for the next gig.
"At the end of the song we could have fire shooting up and-oh hey, Tré" Mike welcomed me, pushing out a chair next to him to sit on. "We were just talking about what to do at the end of the show... I was thinking that instead of destroying your kit, we have fire on the stage."
"But I like destroying the kit." I whined, sitting on the chair Mike had provided me.
"Yes, but it's getting too dangerous really... you can't do it forever."
I shrugged, "fine, I'll think about it."
My eyes couldn't help but dart to find Billie who was gazing at me through bored eyes.
When he saw me looking at him he smiled thinly and mouthed "hi".
I smiled back and looked at my lap, like a school girl with a crush. It wasn't awkward at all; in fact it was the complete opposite. I felt like I could go over and talk to him about anything.
When I looked up at him again he was chuckling silently at my reaction. I grinned at him and Mike looked at us both.
"Have I missed something? What's so funny?" He asked, looking from me to Billie.
"Nothing, Mikey. It's nothing." He smirked at me.
"Did I say something?"
"No, it's not you. Don't worry. Tré and I were going to go out for a bit, weren't we Tré?"
Mike frowned, "what? Where?"
Billie looked at me, waiting for me to come up with an answer.
"Uh, to get our haircut."
"But... Billie went yesterday..."
I froze, shit! What do I say?
Billie watched me struggle for a few seconds before he cut in, "I had my hair cut, but he didn't have his cut, did he?"
He stood up and walked over to me. "I mean, look at this mess" he ruffled my hair and gently pulled at it before letting his hand fall to his side. "We can't have our drummer looking like some kinda tramp, can we?"
"Hey!" I pouted, "it's not that bad..."
Mike grinned, "fine, I think I'll come too then."
I tried to keep the disappointment from my face and I guessed Billie was doing the same. "Okay, cool." He said flatly.
"Wow guys, don't get too excited about it..." Mike huffed, "I won't go if you want to have some bonding time or some shit. It's fine with me."
Yeah... bonding time...
"You can come if you like, it's no big deal."
"Na, I've changed my mind. I need to practice for a bit anyway."

We left the house and got in the car, glad to be alone and be able to talk and act however we wanted.
"Thank fuck Mike didn't come!" Billie said when we got in the car.
"Yeah, I thought we'd be lumbered with him... but I guess we shouldn't speak about him like that..."
"I don't think we should talk about him at all." Billie stared into my eyes, "it's just me and you now." He planted a kiss on my lips and his hands grasped my shoulder and neck.
"Wait, what if he sees?" I turned to look at the house.
"Well let's go somewhere more private then." Billie put the car in reverse and backed out of the drive before pulling away towards the quieter end of town.

We parked up in a small car park that was almost empty and he leaned over to me in his seat.
He took my hands and kissed me with everything he had. I felt my face flush at the intimacy of the moment and my jeans suddenly felt too tight.
My breathing quickened as his his tongue explored my mouth and his hands roamed around my body. I allowed my hands to do the same and skimmed my fingers over his chest, down his ribs and to his lower back.
His lips slipped to my neck, his warm breath making me shiver and sending goosebumps along my arms. He nipped gently at my skin and traced his hot tongue around the places he had been kissing.
All I could think about was how right this felt. I had never considered that I might be gay, or even bi, but this felt so much better than any of the times I had kissed girls.
When he returned to my lips I raised my hand to rest it on his cheek but was nervous so left my hand floating in the air. He opened his eyes briefly and saw this so took my hand, placed it on his cheek and then cradled the back of my neck with his palm.

We must have been in the car for at least an hour when Billie finally drew back to breathe. The car was uncomfortably warm and we rolled down the windows, letting the cool air rush in and swirl around us.
"What are we gonna do?" I panted.
"I dunno, but hopefully it involves more of this" he smiled at me before giving me a peck on the lips. "We'd better get home, Mike will be worried."
"Oh shit!" I gasped, my hand darting to cover my mouth, "we told him I was having a haircut!"
"Shit... do you think he'll notice?"
"Mike has eyes like like a hawk, I'd be surprised if he didn't..."
"Right then, let's cut your hair." He rummaged through the glove box in front of the passenger seat and produced a small make up bag. "Yes!" He opened the bag and rooted through with a finger.
"You have a make up bag?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Not mine, it belonged to some girl I was seeing... she left it in here a few weeks ago."
I nodded, "so what's the plan? Give me a makeover?" I chuckled, but soon stopped when he pulled a small pair of nail scissors from the bag.
"No." I shook my head firmly.
"Come on, Tré, I won't do much, I'll just take the ends off."
"it'll look horrible! You're a great guy, Bill, but I doubt your hairdressing skills very much..."
"Just stop being a baby and get out of the car, will ya?"
I did as I was told and stepped out, walking round the front of the car to meet the man who was about to hack away at my hair with a pair of very questionable scissors...

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