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*Tré's POV*

We got back from the music shop and I sat in the kitchen with Billie drinking beer. He kept glancing over at me
"So what's going on with you Mr. Cool?" He asked when I looked at him.
Was it really noticable that I was down? "Yeah, it's okay."
"Tré, what's up?"
"Nothing, I'm just feeling a little low at the moment, that's all."
Think think think... "I dunno, I guess I'm just worried about the tour next month."
He stood up and stepped over to me and before I know what was happening he had me in a headlock and was messing up my hair. "Naww is little Tré scared?"
"Get off me, Billie!" I grabbed hold of his wrists and dropped to the floor, taking him with me. No one messes up the hair. I flipped him on his back and sat on top of him, one leg either side of his stomach.
"Fuck, Tré, get off me!" he wriggled but I didn't want to. I always found it amusing how he would try so hard to overpower me but all I had to do was hold him down and he was stuck like a fly in honey. "I don't think so, Billie, you started this."
"I... I can't breath..." I mused as his mouth opened and closed. He looked like a fish... a cute, struffy haired, scrawny little fish...
I decided to give in a little bit and shuffled back to let him breath.
He looked uncomfortable and tried to shove me off so I pushed him to the floor harder.
"You're... too strong for your own good, you know that?" He squirmed.
"So, you give up?" I offered.
"Yes, now get off of me!"
Even when I'm crushing him he's still a cocky little shit... "Tut tut, Billie Joe, that's not the way to get what you want now, is it?"
"Tré! Get off!" He tried to free his arms and move out from underneath me so I squeezed his small arms tighter, putting my whole body weight on him. He gasped for air... maybe I was heavier than I thought...

He was still struggling underneath me but had gone quiet now... He looked somehow... guilty... I dismissed the thought and continued to tease him.
"So are you-" I stopped. Wait... is that his...? Oh god... It is... what is going on here?! I looked at him, ready to yell at him and wondering what the fuck to do, but when I saw his face all anger and fear drained from my body. He looked guilty and terrified... not to mention that his face had turned a dark shade of red. I wasn't mad, but I still didn't know what to say.
"Are you... are you hard?" That was the wrong thing to say. He looked upset... I got off of him and stood back.
At that moment Mike exploded through the door carrying bags of bottles. "I'm back and I brought booze!"
I watched as Billie scrambled to his feet and sat on the chair, leaning forward-I guess to cover himself-and smiling at the distraction.
Mike put the bags down, "so, who's up for a few rounds tonight? I bought vodka?"
"Yeah, sounds like fun, Mikey." Billie replied, then sheepishly glanced round at me. I couldn't help but stare back... what had happened? We play fought all the time, what was different?
"Are you two alright? You haven't had a domestic, have you?" Mike smirked playfully.
"No." I said simply, not wanting to put Billie in anymore of an awkward position than he already was.
"Okay then, well I'm gonna have a shower. Put the drinks away, would ya?"
"Why can't you do it?" Billie asked a little desperately... I don't think he wanted Mike to leave us alone...
"Hey, I went and got them didn't I?" Mike left and went for his shower and left the room in a thick fog of tension.

I watched Billie for about thirty seconds. His eyes were still fixed on where Mike had been standing, not wanting to have to face me.

When he did eventually stand up, he went to the fridge and proceed to unpack the bags Mike had left on the table and didn't even look at me.
I had to say something, I couldn't leave it like this for much longer... It was too uncomfortable for both of us.
"Bill?" I tried but he didn't answer... ah shit... "Billie?"
Still no reply... He just continued to put the beer away, as if on autopilot.
I sighed, "are you going to explain?"

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