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During War days

King gritted his teeth after seeing his newborn baby girl.

King - She is nothing more than a misfortune to me and my kingdom. I almost lost the battle, my elder son was killed by opponents and my wife died while giving birth to this misfortune girl. Everything happened on the same day she was born ( he huffs in annoyance). It would have been better if she would have died on place of my son. Anyways, I am ready to sacrifice her to devil in order to save my kingdom.

King decides to sacrifice his newborn to a devil to win the war with help of his black magic . According to the deal He will have to marry off his daughter to the devil once she attains the age of 20 and in return devil will use his powers to make him win this battle.

King was warned that if he denied to give his daughter once the deal is locked then devil will take down his kingdom and marry his daughter forcefully, so there was no going back.

King immediately agreed to the deal. He hand overs his daughter to the priest laughing like a maniac.


Time Skip after 10 years

A girl can be seen running in the forest as if she was being chased by someone. She seemed to be frightened, her breaths were heavy and heart was beating at a dangerous pace. She stumbled over a stone and cries due to pain. Just then she feels a hand on her shoulder and shouts...

She opened her eyes and found herself in the embrace of her caretaker. She huffed in relief that whatever she just saw was nothing more than a dream. Her caretaker tried to calm her down as she was breathing heavily with sweat on her face.

Caretaker - It's okay y/n it was just a dream Again! No need to worry.

Y/N nods hugging her mother like caretaker more tightly. After her mom passed away she was being taken care of by a caretaker who was a middle aged humble  lady who treated y/n just like her own child. She pats y/n to sleep and gets worried after seeing this condition of her as Y/N  gets such nightmares during midnight since her childhood

She thinks of informing about this condition of y/n to King but then remembers the times when she tried to tell king about this condition of his daughter and many other wiered things which happened with her like one midnight she was standing on her window and chanting something in unknown language while looking towards the moon. She had to shake y/n to bring her back to reality that night and y/n was clueless of what she did just then. But king never took her seriously infact most of the times he didn't even bothered to listen her stories further.

Everything including a father's irresponsible behavior towards his own daughter was making the caretaker more worried for y/n.


Caretaker kneels down in front of God.

Caretaker - oh lord!  I know something is wrong with that child, something is there which is trying to harm her always. She has no one for her  in this world her mother died when she was very young and her father doesn't care about her. I don't know how will she survive in this cruel world but I have faith on you. I know you will surely send someone to end her sufferings and give her a life she deserve.  I pray for her, I pray for her safety and happiness of my child.


??? - Please hyung! Don't go ( eyes glistened)

Yoongi - ( breathes out) Jimin, you know it's necessary for a prince to go for training during teenage. Please think like a warrior, like a saviour of your kingdom and not not like a 11 year old child!

Jimin hangs his head down and nods

Yoongi looks at his younger brother so lovingly, he caressed his head and Jimin hugs his hyung. Yoongi smiles while hugging him.

Yoongi - Take care of our little sister while I am not around. Teach her everything like I taught you. Teach her every warrior skill which I taught you and give her  good moral values.

Jimin nods like an obedient little brother

Jimin - Don't worry hyung, she will be a brave princess with good warrior skills as you want.

As Jimin was about to leave yoongi stops him.

Yoongi - And always remember...hyung loves you. ( smile)

Jimin gasps as it was for the first time his elder brother has said something like this to him because yoongi is a person who never shows his true emotions and feelings towards someone. He hugs his hyung again and cries this time. Yoongi rubs his back to calm him down but his eyes glistened too this time.


Jimin watches as yoongi leaves for his training period.

??? - Jimin have you ever thought about your  future.

Jimin turns back and sees the younger brother of his father.

Jimin - Oh Uncle!

He bows out of respect in front of his uncle who smiles and caresses his head. He takes a seat beside Jimin.

Uncle - Hmm... So tell me what have you thought about your future.

Jimin - In future! ( jimin thinks for a while) My Yoongi  hyung will be crowned as a king and I will be the leader of army and protector of my hyung ( little one grins)

Uncle - ( rolls his eyes) So yoongi will be a king and you will mop floors! Am I right!

Jimin ( furrows his eyebrows) - What are you saying? I already told you that I will be a lead-

Uncle - Oh! It's all bullshit my child. Noone will care about you once yoongi becomes the next king. You will be ignored and forgetten by your own hyung.

Jimin - I-It's not true! You are lying r-right!

Uncle - I wish I could say same but this is the fate of younger brothers my son. Do you want to live such miserable life after living as a prince your whole life?

Jimin - I trust my hyung! He loves me more than anything in this world!!

Uncle - he maybe now, but once he gets married and have children. He will forget you!

Everything his uncle was stabbing little Jimin's heart.


Jimin shouts and runs away from his uncle who clicks his tongue in annoyance


Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now