Ch - 14

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Y/N - Trust me even now in this situation wherein he should run for his life, he is actually concerned about me by sending me to a safe place

Y/N's father - Y/N he and the  people of his community are our rivals. He kept you here just to seek his revenge. He demanded huge amount of money and a large piece of our land in your exchange. Even now he isn't sending you to a safe place but to place from where he can access you again away from us and continue with his demands.

Her father showed her a letter of Jimin with his stamp. Y/N's eyes widened on seeing Jimin's stamp and maybe this is the reason why he never allowed her to leave even after she was healed or what else could be the reason. He lied to her about Jungkook's intentions. She felt like her heart is stabbed many times  as she read a line "  otherwise I will make sure that she gets beheaded, but till then she will be taken care of". She stumbled on her feets as Jungkook holds her.

Y/N's father - We have a law in our family y/n. You need to take his life for going  against you and your kingdom because you will be crowned as next queen after your marriage so it's your duty to keep your kingdom safe and that's what your mother has taught you since your childhood. Don't let her and your people down child! Think like a queen because many life depends on you !

Y/N gulps


Jimin comes back as he spots y/n with his owl. He grins on seeing her again.

Jimin - As promised I am back love, only for you !!

He opened his arms as he came and engulfed her in a big hug but gasped loudly as y/n stabbed his back. He falls on his knees. y/n's hand trembles as dagger falls from her hands. She shouts holding him on her lap.

Jimin - (smiles weakly) I won't ask why. My death is my first present from you, I won't deny it.

He tries to touch her face with his trembling hands but it falls as he closes his eyes and goes to a deep sleep from where he will never wake up again.

Y/N wails holding him on her lap. She hugs him close to her heart and sobs.

Y/N - I love you Jimin, oh how bad I wish you have never  betrayed me.

She looks at his owl and vulture and sobbed even more.


She returned to her Palace and got married to Jungkook as she became next Queen. Her smiles, her charm, her glow she lost everything along with Jimin and Noone ever bothered to repair her loss.

One day she felt like having  some privacy for herself so she climbed on one of the rooftops to sit under clear night sky to clear her mind. Jimin's owl sits on  her shoulder. She smiles caressing it's body and remembers Jimin as a tear rolled down from her eyes but as she was passing by a room on rooftop  she heard Jungkook and his dad's conversation.

Jungkook dad - So son what's your next step now.

Jungkook - well dad I am quite happy as everything happened according to my plan. We are married and now I am just looking for right time to kill her and then I will be the owner of that throne. (smirk)

Jungkook father - I am proud of you son! (laughs) but it must have been  difficult to convince her against that Jimin because I have heard that she had some feelings for him.

Jungkook - (chuckles) easy- peasy dad when I was looking for y/n in that valley I found Jimin's stamp there he must have dropped it during that chaos and I used it against him by convincing y/n and her parents.

Y/N gasped as she felt everything spinning around her. She turned back in hurry and ends up breaking a vase.

Jungkook - Shit! Someone overheard our conversation dad! (shouts)

She runs with all her power to get down rooftop and call for her guards. That's when and arm stopped her as Jungkook turned her around and stabbed her stomach two to three times. He holds her in his arms as he smirks.

Y/N( mumbled) - I was so wrong Jimin... Maybe in next birth I will be your wife and at that time I won't let this evil man to come in between us. Please forgive me!

Jungkook rolls his eyes as he throws her off the roof.

Jungkook - Get ready to celebrate as your son will be crowned as next ruler dad!!  (grins evily)



Y/N sobs by hiding her face in her palms on remembering everything about her past as old witch rubs her back.

Y/N - I was so wrong I have always done so wrong with him in every life past or present, even in this present life I married him not out of love just to seek revenge of my brother's death. He has always loved me with his whole heart. I am so sorry my Jiminie. Please forgive me but I promise you will get the love you deserved always. This time everything will be about you and for you.

She pecked that black ring several times.

Y/N - D-Did he remembers his past life too?

Old witch - Yes! Thanks to this black ring on your finger when it got activated because of your love, Jimin's old memories, his old powers started finding their home again. You could have seen him transforming slowly in front of you.

Y/N nods as she did saw some black waves behind him when that ring appeared on her hand for the first time and his powers increased gradually after that day.

Y/N - I want to know more about this ring!

Old witch grinned

Old witch - Let him tell you about it himself as he promised in his past life.


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