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Jimin's eyes widens as soon as his ear rings with that name. Y/N leaves with her caretaker leaving dumbfounded Jimin behind. He watches as she walks away with that old lady.

Jimin blushes and grins that finally he found her.

Time Skip

He waits for her to return to start a conversation with her but gets impatient when she doesn't return. He starts to look around for her and finds that old lady so he decides to ask her.

He gets worried for y/n when that old lady tells him that she herself is looking around for y/n.

He begins  searching for her and finds her near a fountain talking to herself. He huffs in relief and approaches her who was backfacing him . He gets an unpleasant smell and finds that she is drunk.

Jimin - Y-Y/N?

As she turns around Jimin gets a mini heart attack, his heart beats increases on meeting her finally. He even forgets what he was supposed to say next as words get stuck in his throat.He finds her so so  beautiful and so Angelic.

Y/N - Oh my God! (she exclaimed)

She breaks the thoughts of Jimin

Y/N - Are you that angel?
Jimin - Angel?

Y/N - Yeah! the who saves me in my dreams  from that black scary shadow , who tries to haunt me and take me away with it but y-you you save me from it each and every time angel!

Jimin - Who? Me?

Jimin gets surprised

Y/N - Umm..(she thinks for a while) Yeah its its you ! That angel looks exactly like you.

Jimin shakes his head smiling that she looks so cute in her drunk state. He brings her back to that old lady who thanks him for his help.

Jimin was about to leave but y/n holds his hand to stop him  .

Y/N - Hey I really enjoyed dancing with you angel. We should dance again.

She drags Jimin along with her. Though that old lady tries to stop her but Jimin tells her that  he is okay with it.

They dance together Jimin blushes internally that even she enjoyed dancing with her today. He finds her so cute and fells for her completely and now there was no going back.

Jimin - It was nice meeting you y/n but now it's time to go home  .

Y/N frowns. She gripped his hands more tightly.

Y/N - Please don't leave me angel! I am scared of that black shadow, it haunts me every night. Please don't go! ( her eyes glistened)

Jimin gets worried

Jimin - Hey! Hey its okay I  ain't going anywhere.

Y/N - Save me angel! Please save me!

Jimin caresses her cheek

Jimin - You told me that I always save you from that shadow right

Y/N nods

Jimin - Then  trust me I will save you again and every time when something will try to hurt you ( smile).

Y/N - P-promise!

Jimin - Promise love!

Y/N smiles and agrees to leave. Jimin handovers her to that old lady and asks her to take good care of her. He saw a new side of her today. The girl who is fierce and brave in front of this world is actually like an innocent child from inside. A child who craves for love, care and protection. Jimin found her to be so innocent that he felt like keeping her for him and protecting her from everything that tries to hurt her.


Y/N opened her eyes feeling dizzy. Her head  seemed like it  will blast at any second. She calls for her caretaker.

Caretaker - Are you okay dear?

Y/N - Yeah! But what happened to me. Why is my head  spinning all of a sudden.

Caretaker - You got drunk yesterday that's why!

Y/N expresses shock at her statement

Y/N - What! Oh shit yeah I remember. ( she holds her head in her hand) I drink something distasteful instead of apple juice and now I got what it was. Aishhh how can I be so careless! ( she huffs in annoyance).

Caretaker - Umm... There is more to story my child. ( she presses her lips to control her smile)

Y/N - What is it? (frowns)

Caretaker explained her everything that how  a prince brought her back after she was lost after getting drunk. How  she stopped him and asked him for a dance when he was about to leave and then they  danced  for the rest of the night.

Caretaker - He told me to take good care of you when he dropped you. ( smiles)

Y/N felt like digging a hole and jumping  in it because of embarrassment.

Y/N - Aishhh I have never embarrassed myself this much in my whole life. ( she fake cries while palming her face)

Caretaker - You were also calling him 'angel'!

Y/N - What? Angel? Why would I call him anything like that? Aishh ( she again facepalms dying of embarrassment)

Caretaker - Well! I liked the boy, he can be a good companion for yo-

Y/N - Please don't embarrass me more mother! (she whines)


Time Skip at night

Jimin was smiling while holding a earring which belonged to y/n,  she left it  by mistake while dancing with him.

Just then Haeun snatched it from his hand

Haeun - Thank you Hyung it will suit me for sure.

She was about to wear it but Jimin snatched it back from her hand and pulls her ear. She shouts in pain while rubbing her ear. Just then they observe Yoongi who was going somewhere secretly. They narrowed their eyes at each other.

After following him for sometime they find him sitting in balcony. He takes out something like a letter from his pocket and starts reading it quietly.

Haeun tiptoed till she reached behind him and

Haeun - My beloved Yoongi it's your Jen- ( shouts)

Yoongi panics and drops that letter while Jimin falls on floor while laughing his head off.

Haeun - Oh my God! Both of my hyungs have gone mad behind their girls!!

Yoongi - Both? ( frowns)

Haeun cursed herself for her tongue slip.


Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now