Ch - 9

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As everybody turned their back on y/n after that day it was only Jimin who was supporting her and standing by her side. Y/N was so moved by this and slowly unknowingly she became attached to him now.

Today Jimin returned home after spending four days at borders. Y/N hugged him as soon as he arrived.

Jimin - I guess someone missed me a lot!

Y/N nods with tears brimming her eyes. She felt so lonely without him.

Jimin cups her face as she holds his hands. He leans and pecks her forehead a little longer. She genuinely smiled this time.

Jimin - Don't worry. My family will accept you soon again! I promise you that!!

Y/N nods holding his hands even tighter.


Y/N was heading towards somewhere when she hears Jimin shouting.

Jimin - Dad! How can you say this. I don't believe in such superstitions.

Jimin's mom - Listen son! You are thinking as her husband and not as a prince of your kingdom. Why don't you believe us, a priest who performed her sacrifice ritual told us that your wife is cursed and we need to send her to that cave on her 20th birthday otherwise our kingdom will pay for that!

Jimin looks at Yoongi

Yoongi - I don't know if it's true but if there is any truth in this even a bit then I need to take a decision as a king in favour of my kingdom. Sorry Jimin I wouldn't be able to help you.

Jimin looks at everyone in disbelief.

Jimin's mom - Let us conduct that ritual tomorrow to see if she is cursed or not. Please Jimin try to understand!!


Jimin opens the door of his bedroom. He finds y/n who was pretending to be asleep . He lays down behind her and hugged her. She felt some drops of tears on her neck. She turned on her back and finds Jimin whose eyes were swelled as if he has cried a lot. Her heart clenched and she cups her face.

Y/N - I heard everything Jimin!

Jimin's eyes widens

Jimin - You don't need to do anything like that love. As long as I am with you they won't be able to touch even a strand of your hair.

Y/N - I-I am ready! I am ready to perform that ritual.

Jimin - NO! You don't need to. We both are leaving this place tonight as soon as possible.

He panics but y/n cups his face more firmly

Y/N - It's okay Jimin! I know you love your family a lot. You won't survive without them. Just let me perform. It won't take much time anyways. Let me do something for you this time because it's always otherway round.

Y/N'S POV - Perhaps I will be able to reduce some guilt of mine.

Jimin hugs her waist and sobs on her chest

Jimin - I am so sorry you have to go through this.

Y/N moves her hand through his hair and that black ring appears again on her ring finger shinning with all its glory in moonlight. It felt like as if is radiating so many energies at a time, most dominant being LOVE and LONGING. It felt like as if it is pulling her even more close to Jimin, connecting her with him with some invisible threads before fluctuating and disappearing again.

Y/N'sPOV - Why am I seeing things? Probably because I am stressed these days.


Jimin gripped the hand of Y/N firmly who nods at him in assurance

Soon she was sitting in between a circle as holy water was sprinkled on her. She was asked to walk through some bushes whose thorns were like medicine for a normal person but caused severe pain to people whose blood was sacrificed that means polluted.

As she walks in between those bushes their thorns starts pricking her skin. Soon a thorn is pricked deep enough to withdraw her blood but she finds her hand glowing with that black ring. It became more prominent and seemed like as if it was trying to protect her with all it's energies. This time it didn't disappeared because she could touch it and that's when she realised that she wasn't seeing things they were actually there. As she walked even further thorns increased, even deep pricks. She cried as they started hurting now. She shouts Jimin's name as pain became unbearable. That's it Jimin came for her rescue without wasting a minute. He growled as his eyes turned black and the bushes around them literally burned with his black energy as he picked her up with her legs around his waist and hands around his neck.
She found herself comfortable and safe in that black energy which she feared most since her childhood.

Y/N whispers 'A-Angel' and faints.


She wakes up and finds Jimin applying something on her feet. She slowly opens her eyes and smiles at him as his eyes were glistening with tears.

Jimin - I am sorry y/n you have to suffer this. I promise I won't let it happen again-

Y/N - Hush baby it's alright. I am fine!!

She opens her arms wide as Jimin engulfs her into a hug. She was ruffling his hair when a thought striked her mind. That bushes were meant to hurt a cursed person with impure sacrificed blood and not a normal person like her, but they did cause her severe pain. Does that really means....????


Y/N approached that priest with Jimin. He explains them everything as Jimin requested him. He tells them that y/n was sacrificed to a devil during war days by her father to win the battle.
Jimin's hands clenched into fists as his heart filled with anger and disgust while y/n stood their dumbstruck. It felt like her world has collapsed as she could not believe that it was her father who did this to her . She felt betrayed.

Y/N'S POV - oh so that is why he never loved me and here I was thinking that I was the problem.

He further explains that now she needs to go to that cave on her 20th birthday otherwise this kingdom will have to face consequences. Jimin's grip tightened on her waist as she suffered from shocks after shocks and so does Jimin.

Jimin cups her face

Jimin - Don't worry love. Just wait for tonight and we will leave this palace tomorrow as soon as possible. We will so to a secluded place away from all these chaos of this world. Just you and me. Is that okay!

Y/N nods


Jimin and Y/N were in a deep sleep when a hand covered Y/N's mouth to prevent her from shouting and her body was lifted up as she struggled to get free. Soon her hand which was holding Jimin's hand was pulled away from Jimin's grip who was still asleep.


Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now