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Jimin entered the room only to find sleeping y/n. He smiles on seeing her sleeping so peacefully. He frowned on seeing that she is shivering a little. He immediately closes the windows of their room.

Jimin - My baby must be tired!

He removed her sandals and covered her with duet. He removed the strands of hair from her face which were irritating her during her sleep. His heartbeat fastens on seeing her so close to him. He imagines that day when he saw her in that  forest for the first time and now he finally have her beside him.

He smiles and pecks her forehead so lovingly. His eyes unknowingly travel down to her lips. He feels a sudden urge to kiss her but pushes his thoughts away and stands up immediately. He gets changed and sleeps beside her by maintaining some space between them respecting her personal space.


Next morning

Y/N wakes up and finds noone in room. She finds herself covered in duet and decides to thank that maid later who did this for her.

Just then a maid knocks and enters her room. She informs her about the party that is being  organised by Jimin's father today evening to celebrate their marriage.

After some time Jen and Haeun enters with some maids.

Jen - Y/N it's time to get ready for today's event. I got some best stylists of our kingdom and here are the dresses you can chose from them.

Haeun - Yes unnie this is really going to be a big event dad's friends from different kingdoms will be arriving with their families you need to look best amongst all.

Y/N nods smiling.

Y/N'S POV - Oh! Big event! Means great chance to destroy their reputation ( smirks). Time to show some action y/n.

Y/N gets almost ready just then Jimin enters.

Jimin - Oh! I will come later you guys are busy I guess.

Jen - No Jimin stay. We are almost done.

Haeun elbows Jimin who stood their mesmerised by y/n's beauty

Haeun - So how is y/nie looking

Jimin - Yeah good!

Haeun - Just good? See y/n he doesn't lov..

Jimin panics

Jimin - I-I mean very beautiful ( he blushes)

Haeun and Jen giggles on seeing Jimin's reaction. They both leave along with maids and now only y/n and Jimin are left in the room.
Y/N smiles and turns  towards Jimin  who smiles in return .

He walks towards her increasing her heartbeat. He holds her wrist and makes her sit on the edge of bed. He kneels down on one knee in front of her. He holds one of her hand.

Jimin - I know it may take time for you to accept me and I won't even force you for that. Make yourself comfortable in my... in our house and room ( smiles).

He pecks the back of her hand

Jimin - Always remember y/n you are not alone now. Your happiness even your sorrow everything will be shared by me. You can always lean on your husband.

For a moment y/n becomes speechless after getting an idea of Jimin's love towards her. She stares at him slightly moved by his love as he continues to speak of those comforting words which Noone ever said for her.

Just then someone knocks at door and she gets annoyed as their beautiful time is interrupted. Jimin goes to open the door.

Jimin - Y/N everybody's waiting for us at the party. We gotta go.

Y/N nods and they both leave for the party.


At party

Y/N smiles on seeing Haeun Jimin and Yoongi having good time together. Her smile widened on seeing Haeun and Jimin getting scolded by Yoongi.

" Haeun and Jimin are so lucky that they have a elder brother to take care of them and protect them" Y/N thinks

Her smile fades Immediately on remembering her elder brother. She starts burning in revenge after remembering that these people are responsible for her brother's death.

An idea emerged in her mind and she smirks.


Soon the celebration begins

King called the centre of attraction of today's celebrations the newly wed COUPLE.

Silence was filled by sudden gasps as  y/n arrived  with her maids. She was shouting and tripping on her way. It seemed like she was Drunk. She was shouting, laughing  and calling for  Jimin.

Jimin's dad started feeling embarrassed after he saw people around him talking  and judging the character of younger daughter in law of Park family.

Jen immediately arrived and took y/n away along with her to avoid any further embarrassment to her father in law.


Yoongi calms down worried Jimin

Yoongi - Jimin go and see y/n i will handle dad here.

Jimin nods and immediately leaves. As soon as he opened his bedroom door y/n hugs him and starts weeping. He hugs her back and starts caressing her back to calm her down.

Y/N smirked at his chest. She continues here drama and cups the face of Jimin.

Y/N - I - I am sorry. I thought it-it is some ( sniffs) new sort of d-drink. I-I had no I-idea t-

Jimin places a finger on her lips to shush her.

Jimin - I don't need any explanation y/n. I trust you love. Just calm down and let your husband handle everything.

Y/N hugs him weeping even more though she was happy inside to accomplish her first task.
Jimin spends sometime with her. He calms her down and makes her sleep. Jimin leaves to see his dad.


Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now