Ch - 18 The End

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Tonight y/n again sees that dream. She gasps and wakes up in Jimin's embrace as she was sweating and panting but she calms down when his angelic face comes in her view. Her eyes tear up on remembering the last incident of her dream. She looks at him so loving but with a tint of apology. She softly runs her hand on his cheek as he hums in his sleep pulling her closer to him by her waist. She smiles in tears unable to control her urge to kiss his soft, oh so kissable! pink lips.

She softly pecks his lips as her heart warms . Unable to control herself, she goes for another kiss, Jimin hums and wiggles a bit before slowly opening his eyes. He flashes her a warm smile which makes her heart flutter. He gets concerned on seeing her state, she was sweating and tears were brimming her eyes.

Jimin - What happened baby?

His voice was hoarse and raspy because of sleep. He asks with so much concern. That Y/N bursts into tears.

Y/N - I-I am sorry again Jimin for what I did. I s-stabbed-

Jimin keeps a finger on her lips.

Jimin - Hush baby! It was past please don't think about that too much just focus on our present and future together Hmm!

Y/N nods as Jimin flashes her a soft smile. He pulls her even more close as he hovers above her attaching his lips on hers. They share a passionate kiss which turns into a sensual promising hot kiss as they continuously switched between sloppy kiss and soft pecks.

He sits on his knees to remove his clothes, slowly opening the robe of her dress afterwards. He immediately hovers above her again taking her into a deep sensual kiss hitching her breath. She places one hand on his nape and other beside her head. He moves one of his hand above her arm and intertwines their fingers pulling her hand above her head. He cups her face with other hand caressing her cheek moving it later on to her hand on his nape intertwining their fingers pulling it above her head too.
They part after being out of breath, she turns her head to a side to hide her flushed face as Jimin chuckled before diving into her neck giving wet open mouth kisses, sucking and licking afterwards. She gasps, whimpers and mewls under him.

Jimin - Let me show you the depth of my love tonight, baby !

Y/N nods blushing biting her lower lip. She gasps and mo ans his name as he enters her slowly swearing under his breath.

Jimin - your mo ans are so s-sweet.

He hissed and she moans when he bucked his hips.

Jimin - S-so tight and warm. I could keep myself burried here for the rest of my life!

Y/N's cheeks flushed.

Jimin - I love you baby. (pants) Love you so much!

Y/N - I love you too Jiminie!

Jimin stares deep into her eyes which were shining with so many emotions love being dominant of all along with that black ring She admired him with her whole heart. Jimin leans and pulls her into a deep slow kiss.

They made love for the rest of the night as promised by Jimin.



Y/N and Jimin are blessed with a baby this year four months back.

Yoongi places Jeremy in his crib.

Yoongi - Let me just go and call your mom. Wait for uncle!

Yoongi licks his lips after spotting some tangerines in a plate beside his crib but he needs to get y/n as Jeremy is hungry.

Soon y/n enters along with Yoongi but Jeremy was sleeping peacefully just like a baby sleeps with filled stomach.

Yoongi - He was crying few minutes ago. So I thought he must be hungry.

Y/N - (smile) He must be missing his dad.

Yoongi nods as Y/N picks up Jeremy in her arms.

Yoongi frowns as he noticed the plate of tangerine empty with left overs scattering and lying on floor .

Yoongi - Where did they go! (whines)

He went to take a closer look that's when he spots ting feathers some were black and some were white.

Yoongi - Is it a bird who did this. Damn it! (whines)

Jimin enters his room after being at borders since morning. He smiled warmly at the site of his child in crib and wife who were sleeping peacefully. He leans and pecks the forehead of his child who opens his eyes. Jimin smiles at him while picking him up in his arms. Jeremy's arms were around Jimin's neck as he was trying to produce some sounds. He was excited and happy after seeing him and being in the arms of his dad after so long . Jimin pecks his cheeks and nose tip. He cradles him in his arms humming softly, patting his back to bring him back to sleep. Slowly he falls asleep on his shoulder. Jimin places him back in his crib

He lays down beside y/n keeping his arm on her waist pulling her close to him. She snuggled more into him in her sleep as he too drifts to sleep being tired since morning.

Jeremy opened his eyes, he smiled watching his mom and dad together . Jimin's owl and vulture sat on the crib of Jimin's baby. They tried to swing the crib so that his baby can sleep peacefully but Jeremy like every other night sits up as he slowly crawls down his crib and tries to move his hands as small wings appeared on his back they were black and white and again the duty of Jimin's owl and vulture starts. They both takes care of his baby behind his back who doesn't even know about these powers of his baby.

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____::::::::::: THE END :::::::::: ____


A/N - Thank you lovely people for reading and supporting this story of mine with your 🌟 s.

I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now