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Y/N - (gasps) No dad I can't marry him. They killed my broth.. ( her eyes glistened)

King - I am not even telling you to take it as marriage but as a way to seek our revenge from them,My daughter!

Y/N's eyes widened as her father called her his daughter for the first time. She felt like crying tears of joy.

"If this marriage and revenge can give me back my family my father and make everything alright for once, then why not " Y/N thought

Y/N quickly agreed for the marriage making the smirk of her father grow wider.


Marriage Day

Jimin was getting ready for his marriage

Haeun - Hmm.. Someone's looking handsome!

Jimin smiled on seeing his reflection in mirror.

Jimin - Haeun? Will I be a responsible husband? What if I..

Jimin and Haeun were interrupted by Jen

Jen - My brother in law will be a perfect husband for his bride just like he is a perfect brother for his younger and elder sibling and a perfect child of his parents.

Jen nods in assurance

Jimin - I will try to give my hundred percent in this marriage. ( smiles) but noona I am a  stranger to her, will she ever be able to love me? What if she...

Jen - Jimin don't worry she will definitely understand your love someday. Just give her time and space.

Jimin nods

Jimin - Even if she never understands my love it's okay my love will be enough for both of us afterall this is what love actually means, to love someone unconditionally without expecting their love in return. I will always cherish her!


Y/N - No need to add this.

Caretaker - But it's your marriage child why wouldn't you...

Y/N - Let's keep everything simple mom.

Caretaker nods.

Caretaker - I know why  your dad must have agreed for this marriage in his rival kingdom. ( huffs) There is one thing which I need to tell you as your mother.

She turns y/n around and cups her face.

Caretaker -  Look for your real enemy y/n, the one who actually wants to hurt you. Jimin may look like one now but trust me, I  met him during that function, I saw the worry and care in his eyes  for you which your father always lacked.

She holds the hands of y/n

Caretaker - I am more than relieved that may be for selfish reasons of your father but you are marrying the right person !!

Y/N immediately pulls her hands away from hold.

Y/N - What are you even saying mom. He and his family members are nothing more than culprits of my brother to me. I WILL MAKE THEIR LIVES MISERABLE. A LIVING HELL!!!!

Caretaker gasps


Y/N walks down the aisle with her father. Jimin looks at her so lovingly, his heartbeats increases as y/n approached the stage. He gets down and stretched his hand towards her. Y/N holds his hand giving a fake smile to him. Jimin's heart flutters at that smile.

Vows are taken and priest announced them as married. He asks groom to kiss his bride. Jimin turns towards y/n and she fists her wedding dress. Jimin leans forward while y/n closes her eyes  in response but he pecks her forehead.

Y/N opened her eyes only to see smiling Jimin. She huffs in relief.


As y/n arrived with Jimin everybody in kingdom starts celebrating her arrival and marriage of their younger Prince.

Jimin introduced y/n to her family once again.   Y/N bows to everyone giving a fake smile.

Haeun and Jen hugs her. While Yoongi caresses her head like an elder brother and leaves immediately as that old guilt strikes him.

Haeun - Unnie I will be your new best friend here.  We will always team up against hyung. ( winks)

Y/N nods smiling

Jen - Yeah! Now stop bothering my ynie. Come y/n you must me tired. Have some rest.

Jen leaves with y/n


Time skip at Jimin's room

Y/N - ( huffs in annoyance)  Irritating family! ( rolls her eyes). Now what? Do I have to share same room with that man? Damn it! Of course yes I am married to him. Let it slide y/n, it is now more important to  make him believe that even I love him just to make his life hell. Park Jimin and his family will pay for my hyung's death! Their countdown starts from today itself. ( smirks) 


Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now