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?? - Sir she is denying to eat anything since morning. I fear she won't be able to heal this way.

Jimin nods as he takes the serving tray in his hands. He opened the door slowly and finds her asleep.

He takes a seat beside her calling her several times. Y/N opened her eyes and gasped on seeing him again. She quickly moved away which pained  Jimin's heart as he stands up immediately.

Jimin - I am the last person you should fear in this universe darling! Now come on have some food you are not well.

Y/N - I want to go home!

Jimin continues to place hot soup in front of her.

Jimin - You can't go back. I won't allow!


Jimin - Listen y/n please try to understand I can't allow you!


She picks up the soup cup and smashes it across the wall as it breaks into pieces.

Jimin - What did you do love! You really need to have something you must be hungry since morning. I can hear your stomach growling for food from here (chuckles)

He orders for another cup of  soup as Y/N watches him in disbelief. She gets up immediately attaching her wings but winced in pain as she tries to flutter them. Jimin quickly rushes to hold her. He helps her to remove those wings carefully.

Jimin - Let them heal darling you too are injured now. You really need rest.

Y/N pushed him away as she sits on bed again. She holds her head as tears start brimming in her eyes.

Jimin - please let me take care of you y/n! (concerned)

Y/N - JUST LET ME GO! (shouts) I will be taken care of well at my place. You don't need to worry about that.

She gets up and tries to escape through door but Jimin grabs her arms and pulls her to himself almost crashing her on his hard chest.

Jimin - I can't allow you, to save your life which is in danger . Please understand y/n (whispers)

Y/N narrows her eyes at him.

Y/N - And why should I believe you!

Jimin - Y/N the man you were going to marry today has plans to kill you so that he can rule your kingdom. He is using you as his means to get that throne.

Y/N scoffed

Y/N - As if I will trust you!

Jimin - You have no other option and when it is about your safety you won't be able to find a more stubborn man than me. So you better stay here and heal as I won't allow you to go back.

Y/N thinks it's better for now to go his way as she is injured and weak. She will try to escape as soon as she gets well soon.

She rolls her eyes at Jimin and goes back to take her place on bed. Jimin grins and feeds her soup spoon by spoon with his own hands while she glares at him. He tucks her in duvet as he leaves.
Y/N huffs in relief as he leaves but thinks about what if he is right....?


Next morning Jimin enters again with a tray of breakfast with a huge  smile on his face. Again he feeds her with his own hands and helps her to the bathroom for a  shower. Y/N comes out after changing into new sets of floral print clothes as brought by Jimin.
Jimin is combing her wet hair .

Y/N - (annoyed) don't you have workers or maids?  Why you have to do everything yourself.

Jimin - I don't trust anyone when it comes to you. You are my responsibility here, I won't let any evil power to touch you . You are safe with me always darling! (smile)

Y/N was a bit flustered by his caring words..

Y/N - I-I can take care of myself! And d-dont call me that again?

Jimin - What darling?

Y/N - Yes 'darling'

Jimin - What darling?

Y/N - T-That 'darling'

Jimin - That's what I am asking. What is that word  darling?

Y/N - Jimin! Are you serious! (scolds)

Jimin chuckles though his heart fluttered as his name rolled out of her tongue for the first time and he  already was craving to listen it again.

Jimin - Sorry love!

Y/N rolls her eyes as he won't stop.



Jungkook sliced the throat of man of front of him.

?? - Stop it son! They are doing their work. Don't start this!

Jungkook grits his teeth 

Jungkook - They are of no use dad! I will do it on my own now!!

Soon the search for y/n begins by Jungkook and her parents.


Time skip after few weeks.

Y/N's health was improving as Jimin took good care of her and by now it was confirmed to her that he is harmless and actually caring for her. She started enjoying his company though she always acted cold towards him but inside really enjoyed when he flirts.
Otherside Jimin is informed that  army of emerald and Ruby Kingdom are heading towards them  and they will reach within few days. They  need to get ready.

Jimin and Y/N were having dinner together in dining hall. Maids quietly served them dinner..

Jimin - Hmm... Your health is improving day by day. I am happy that the magic potion which is being added to your food is really working. (smile)

Y/N gasps as she stands up immediately and slaps Jimin. Everybody gasps.

Y/N - You je rk! You were adding things in my food! How dare you!

Everybody was waiting for Jimin's reaction because if it would have been someone else Jimin would have burned him instantly but it was Y/N so...

Jimin - I had enough of you and your disrespect towards me y/n! What I was adding in your food was healing potion and nothing else and if I would have had  different intentions towards you, I wouldn't have waited so long as it is my place and I hold all the powers here, I would have already fulfilled them, you were so weak and injured to even protest! I know me and my efforts mean nothing to you, they hold no values in your eyes, Heck! I have no problem don't value them! i won't mind it as i  will still care for you but disrespecting me is least expected from you! I am hurt by your action today y/n and I know you don't care about it as well!!..... Just have your food and go back to your room.

Jimin leaves behind a guilty girl who was trying to form words or stop him.


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